Medicating Childhood-An American Zombie Apocalypse

By Jamie Wendland

31. March.2014 –

“When I was a child, I thought as a child,” is an old proverb which at one time was also the philosophy society lived by when rearing children.  This was the golden rule practiced by parents, schools and child development experts in understanding that the childlike behavior of children was an intrinsic fact of life; they are not adults. They were not expected to think like adults, behave like adults nor exhibit rational, acceptable adult social skills, maturity or conduct-they were children and so they were allowed to think and behave like them.

That has all changed over the past thirty years, change accelerated at an alarming rate as we entered the twenty first century. It has become almost universally accepted by parents, schools, child psychologists and even law enforcement that children are, in fact, simply miniature adults and we demand of them to act accordingly. A child who is unable to conform to this new societal standard of acceptable adult behavior is immediately labeled “mentally ill,” and is either punished, medicated or forced into psychological treatment.

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Overconsumption means a consumption level located above the normal requirements or average consumption.

Image from the movie Samsara Samsara is a Tibetan word which means wheel of life, a concept both intimate and vast, which defines the soul of everyone.


Documentary – On Modern Servitude (2009) by Jean-François Brient

Modern servitude is voluntary, consented to by the mass of slaves who trudge along the face of the Earth. They themselves buy the commodities that enslave them every day more. Slaves procure alienating jobs that are bestowed upon the tamed. They, themselves, choose the masters whom they will obey. For this absurd tragedy to play-out, it has been necessary to breed in them the ignorance of their own exploitation and alienation. Behold the bizarre modernity of our time. As with the slaves of antiquity, serfs of the Middle Ages or the working-class of the first industrial revolutions, today we bear witness to an emerging class of the totally enslaved. The difference being that they don’t know it or better yet choose to ignore it. They fail to recognize the one weapon available to the enslaved: rebellion. Slaves accept without question the pitiful life that was manufactured on their behalf. Apathy and resignation are the sources of their misfortune. (Source)


Morbid Addiction: CIA & the Drug Trade

Published: Oct. 14, 2011 – Boiling Frogs

Just as the British Empire was in part financed by their control of the opium trade through the British East India Company, so too has the CIA been found time after time to be at the heart of the modern international drug trade. From its very inception, the CIA has been embroiled in the murky underworld of drug trafficking.

There are billions of dollars per year to be made in keeping the drug trade going, and it has long been established that Wall Street and the major American banks rely on drug money as a ready source of liquid capital. With those kinds of funds at stake, it is unsurprising to see a media-government-banking nexus develop around the status quo of a never-ending war on drugs – aided, abetted and facilitated by the modern-day British East India Company, the CIA.

This is our EyeOpener Report by James Corbett presenting the history, documented facts, and cases on the CIA’s involvement and operations in the underworld of drug trafficking, from the Corsican Mafia in the 1940s through the 1980s Contras to the recent Zambada Niebla Case today.




CIA: Secret Operations, Drug Money

The Geopolitics Behind The Phony US War In Afghanistan

DOCUMENTARY – An Unholy Alliance

U.S. Wars and the Opium Trade

Imperialism – Bankers, Drug Wars And Genocide

CIA, Heroin Still Rule Day in Afghanistan

Brought to You by the CIA: America’s Drug Crisis

Protecting Afghan Opium Fields, Bribing Taliban

Americans Are Deeply Involved In Afghan Drug Trade

Afghan Heroin Flow Channeled to Russia

Official: US, NATO Now in Control of Narcotic Trade in Afghanistan

“Business is Booming” – Wall Street’s Role in Narco-trafficking

911 Experts Speak Out

Are All Of These Architects and Engineers Wrong?


Daylight Robbery, Meet Nighttime Robbery

by Naomi Klein
Published: Aug. 16, 2011 – The Nation

I keep hearing comparisons between the London riots and riots in other European cities—window smashing in Athens or car bonfires in Paris. And there are parallels, to be sure: a spark set by police violence, a generation that feels forgotten.

But those events were marked by mass destruction; the looting was minor. There have, however, been other mass lootings in recent years, and perhaps we should talk about them too. There was Baghdad in the aftermath of the US invasion—a frenzy of arson and looting that emptied libraries and museums. The factories got hit too. In 2004 I visited one that used to make refrigerators. Its workers had stripped it of everything valuable, then torched it so thoroughly that the warehouse was a sculpture of buckled sheet metal.

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Perfect Storm: The England Riots Documentary

Published: Aug. 14, 2011 – Wide Shut

“If the young are not initiated into the village, they will burn it down just to feel its warmth.” — African Proverb.

This mini-documentary film looks at the initial causes and wider context surrounding the recent England riots. Politicians refuse to acknowledge their role in creating a deeply unfair and failing society, a perfect storm of police brutality, city poverty and austerity measures, that will only get worse unless the root problem is addressed.

Did you know for the rioters to be on par with the looting by the financial bailouts, corporate tax avoiders and Libyan invasion, they would have to repeat the same level of damage……4,320 times?


Osama bin Laden’s Second Death

by Paul Craig Roberts
Published: May 02, 2011 – Global Research

If today were April 1 and not May 2, we could dismiss as an April fool’s joke this morning’s headline that Osama bin Laden was killed in a firefight in Pakistan and quickly buried at sea. As it is, we must take it as more evidence that the US government has unlimited belief in the gullibility of Americans.

Think about it. What are the chances that a person allegedly suffering from kidney disease and requiring dialysis and, in addition, afflicted with diabetes and low blood pressure, survived in mountain hideaways for a decade? If bin Laden was able to acquire dialysis equipment and medical care that his condition required, would not the shipment of dialysis equipment point to his location? Why did it take ten years to find him?

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Simple Brain Washing




Tavistock Institute: The Best Kept Secret in America

VIDEO – Global Mind Control Through Crisis Creation – TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE

Mind Control Theories and Techniques used by Mass Media

Controlling The Minds Of The Masses: How It Is Done And Why (With Videos)


Postcards From Hell

Pictures of the worst living conditions in the world.


Original Sin, the Synagogue of Satan, and the Sex Trade

by Annie Ladysmith
Original Article:  NWO Observer

The whole idea that evil is a “force”, an opposition, something that balances good, and therefore eternal, universal, and inevitable, is the greatest lie men believe. If evil is anything, it is personal, pre-meditated, malicious, deliberately insane, and completely abhorrent to all living processes and beings. Evil exists in fallen beings. They are fallen because it is their choice to destroy and desecrate, to rebel and foment rebellion. The one that started it all is Satan; he is after your soul and desires you to join in his rebellion. He is the Serpent of old and he has his children here on earth that do his will. It is essential to understand the concept of the original sin of man and how we are subtly seduced into believing lies.

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How to Create an Angry American

People & Power – Drug Money

Published: Aug. 11, 2010 – Al Jazeera

The US healthcare industry is the world’s biggest, with $300bn per year spent on prescription drugs.
For many these drugs have brought undeniable benefits.
But recent months have seen health scandal after health scandal making headlines in the US.

Two of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies have been fined billions of dollars after investigations into their secret working practices.

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Army suicide report ignores suicide-producing drugs

Why are troops killing themselves?

by Martha Rosenberg
Published: Aug. 05, 2010 – Online Journal

The long awaited Army report, “Health Promotion, Risk Reduction, Suicide Prevention” considers the economy, the stress of nine years of war, family dislocations, repeated moves, repeated deployments, troops’ risk-taking personalities, waived entrance standards and many aspects of Army culture.

What it barely considers are the suicide-linked antidepressants, antipsychotics and antiseizure drugs whose use exactly parallels the increase in US troop suicides since 2005.

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Oil, blood money, and Blair’s last scandal

There is no question there was a plot. The question is whether the plot worked,or whether it got what it wanted by a remarkable coincidence

by Johann Hari
Published: Jul. 23, 2010 – The Independent

Is your life worth more to your government than a few pence added to BP’s share price? At first, this will sound like a strange question. But sometimes there is a news story that lays out the priorities that drive our governments once the doors are closed and the cameras are switched off. The story of the attempt to trade the Lockerbie bomber for oil is one of those moments.

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Our Planet, Our People are not Expendable! We Refuse To Sacrifice Life for Corporate Profits

by Stephanie McMillan
Published: Jul. 17, 2010 – Common Dreams

The Gulf of Mexico has been destroyed. Immeasurable, irreparable damage has been done to wildlife, the health of the ocean, and people’s livelihoods. We have been cursed for years to come. It can not, as BP promises, be “made right.” In fact, even after this utter catastrophe, crimes against the planet and its inhabitants continue without pause.

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Haiti, Six Months After the Earthquake

by Amy Goodman
First Published: Jul. 14, 2010 – TruthDig

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – July 12 marked the six-month anniversary of the devastating earthquake here in Haiti that killed as many as 300,000 people and left much of the country in ruins. Up to 1.8 million people are living in squalid tent cities, with inadequate sanitation, if any, no electricity and little security, or any respite from the intense heat and the worsening rains. Rape, hunger and despair are constant threats to the people stranded in the camps. Six months ago, the world seemed united with commitments to help Haiti recover. Now, half a year later, the rubble remains in place, and misery blankets the camps, layered with heat, drenched by rain.

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Video series: The human toll of the BP blowout

First Published: Jun. 29, 2010 – WSWS

The BP blowout has devastated the economy, environment and health of the entire Gulf region. WSWS reporters C. W. Rogers and Andre Damon interviewed residents, small businessmen and environmental and health experts on the Gulf coast and compiled this video report.

Part 1/5 —The economic impact

Part 2/5—The effect on human health

Part 3/5—The social impact

Part 4/5—The environment

Part 5/5—Residents respond to the disaster




BP’s Carnage: Reckless Drilling

British Petroleum’s oil spill is latest crime in a criminal history

VIDEO – Requiem for the Gulf

BP’s Carnage: Reckless Drilling

by Dean Baker
Published: Jul. 13, 2010 – CounterPunch

While BP has taken some heat over its spill in the Gulf, it is remarkable how limited the anger actually is. Many defenders of the company have made the obvious point: It was an accident. BP did not intend to have a massive spill that killed 11 people, devastated the Gulf ecosystem and threatens the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of workers.

Of course this is true, but it is also true that a drunk driver who runs into a school bus did not intend to be involved in a fatal collision. As a society, we have no problem holding the drunk driver responsible for a predictable outcome of their recklessness. Driving while drunk dramatically increases the risk of an accident. This is why it is punished severely. A person who is responsible for a fatal accident while driving drunk can expect to face many years in jail. Even someone who drives drunk without being in an accident often faces jail time because of the risk they imposed on others.

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The Empire and Lies

by Fidel Castro
First Published: Jun. 04, 2010 – Granma

I was left with no alternative other than to write two “Reflections” on Iran and Korea, which explain the imminent danger of war with the use of nuclear weapons. I have also expressed the opinion that one of them could be overcome if China decided to veto the resolution that the United States is promoting in the United Nations Security Council. The other is dependent on factors that escape any possibility of control, due to the fanatical conduct of the state of Israel, converted by the United States into its current condition as a strong nuclear power, which does not accept any control whatsoever on the part of the superpower.

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