Where Is Activist Post?

Published: Sep. 23, 2011 – ReasonAndJest.com

It appears that one of my newest favorite websites, Activist Post (www.activistpost.com) has been taken down by its host, Blogger.com. Activist Post posts original articles and articles from other websites that highlight the news items of what various government agencies and the military are up to, and investigative reporting on the latest injustices, corruption and crimes, that we don’t hear about from cowards government lapdogs gutless weasels mainstream news sources.

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10 Reasons Obama is Just As Bad or Worse Than Bush

Published: Apr. 5, 2011 – Activist Post

George W. Bush was clearly a mentally-challenged puppet of the military/banking/oil elite. The policies put it in place at breakneck speed after 9/11 were provably predetermined by think tanks well in advance. Not that other presidents were any less controlled by this hidden agenda, but there was a noticeable in-your-face quickening of corporate-government tyranny under Bush.

These policies like wars of aggression, illegal surveillance of Americans, torture of detainees indefinitely held without formal charges, unfair “free trade” agreements, and bank bailouts rightfully enraged many progressives during the Bush years. Yet, not only have these policies accelerated under Obama, even more of the draconian playbook is unfolding.

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Internet Under Siege

by Philip Giraldi
Published: Nov. 19, 2009 – Antiwar.com

It is ironic that President Barack Obama would travel to China and speak against government control over the internet. If the American Department of Homeland Security has its way new cybersecurity laws will enable Obama’s administration to take control of the internet in the event of a national crisis. How that national crisis might be defined would be up to the White House but there have been some precedents that suggest that the response would hardly be respectful of the Bill of Rights.

Many countries already monitor and censor the internet on a regular basis, forbidding access to numerous sites that they consider to be subversive. During recent unrest, the governments of both Iran and China effectively shut down the internet by taking control of or blocking servers. Combined with switching off of cell phone transmitters, the steps proved effective in isolating dissidents. Could it happen here? Undoubtedly. Once the laws are in place a terrorist incident or something that could be plausibly described in those terms would be all that is needed to have government officials issue the order to bring the internet to a halt.

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Slavery or Freedom?

If history is anything to go by, just three per cent of us taking decisive action will be enough to stop dictatorship being established in Europe and the USA and resurrect the real democracy

by Jane Burgermeister
Published: Oct. 10, 2009 – The Flu Case

We have reached a fork in the road, a crossroads, and the latest film by Alex Jones, The Fall of the Republic, makes our choices clear.

Whether we live in the USA or Europe, we are watching the accelerating speed with which republics and democratic states are being transformed into dictatorships.

Regional dictatorships are emerging in the form of the North American Union and the European Union.

These totalitarian systems will, in turn, be subsumed under a single global dictatorship controlled by the WHO, the UN and the IMF. Behind the UN complex is a corporate crime syndicate that uses these bodies as vehicles for their grab for world domination, also by declaring a pandemic emergency which has given WHO and the UN extraordinary powers over the national governments around the world, including health services and police services.

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David Irving sparks row over Holocaust ‘propaganda’

Controversial historian causes outrage by calling the Nazis’ mass murder a ‘commercial phenomenon’

by Elizabeth Nash in Madrid
Published: Sep. 6, 2009 – The Independent

Eminent historians have condemned a Spanish newspaper’s decision to interview the controversial historian David Irving as part of its coverage to mark the 70th anniversary of the Second World War.

The Hitler specialist Sir Ian Kershaw, whose interview last Monday launched El Mundo’s commemorative series, said he – and most historians – would have pulled out had they known of Mr Irving’s participation.

In the interview published yesterday, Mr Irving once again played down the slaughter of millions of Jews during the Second World War, despite having served time in an Austrian jail for his extremist views.

“The Holocaust is just a slogan, a product like Kleenex or Xerox printers. They’ve turned it into a commercial phenomenon, and succeeded in making money out of it – producing films about it which have made millions,” said the 71-year-old Mr Irving, prompting fury and dismay in Israel.

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Swedish PM: No apology to Israel

Published: Aug. 23, 2009 – Press TV

Swedish prime minister says his country will not apologize for an article in a Swedish newspaper accusing Israel of killing Palestinians to plunder their organs.

“No one can demand that the Swedish government violates its own constitution. Freedom of speech is an indispensable part of Swedish society,” Fredrik Reinfeldt was quoted as telling the Swedish news agency TT on Saturday.

Swedish top diplomat has also ruled out any plan to apologize to Israel.

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