9/11 – Occult Trauma-Based Mind Control

by Zen Gardner
Published: Sep. 10, 2011 – Zen Gardner

The spiritual supporting pillars of the world’s societal structure were essentially demolished on 9/11…symbolically, alegorically, ritualistically and literally.

Imploded and destroyed. The rest followed.

It was quite a sinister “stroke of genius” and so exemplifies how these dark controllers operate. This is why the wake up to 9/11 Truth is so shocking to people’s systems and they just can’t handle it. It’s overwhelming, which it was designed to be. And so the vast populace rolls over and buries its head back in the sand.

Nicely done, except….

Tell A Big Enough Lie

…and you’ll eventually get exposed. So full of lies are these controllers it’s beyond the grasp of normal sentient beings. And they revel in the power of that. It’s amazing they can be so brash yet hidden in plain sight.

And these entities apparently rarely even know each other or their own ilk’s identities. It’s a hidden, and not so hidden, cult of non-feeling self-appointed elitist power mad psychopaths out to subdue humanity like it’s some kind of a game.

How does that make you feel, that we’re considered “useless eaters”, “goyim”, “parasites”, “human resources”?

Wait till this all sorts out in the end. Our indignation will trump their arrogance any day. But we can’t just go on business as usual either hoping for the cavalry to rescue us, as the religionists would have everyone believe. We cannot allow ourselves and if possible others to stay sedated in a state of acceptance to over the top offenses to humanity that should make our blood boil.

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911 Experts Speak Out

Are All Of These Architects and Engineers Wrong?

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW6mJOqRDI4&feature=player_embedded#at=4641

9/11: The Unidentified Murder Weapons

by Anthony Lawson
Published: Oct. 11, 2010 –  

Source: http://www.youtube.com/user/alawson911#p/u/12/YT28hCyXsLs



9/11—Mission Accomplished

Who Is Osama Bin Laden?

9-11: The “New Pearl Harbor” of the Zionist War Plan

September 11 Attacks: The Greatest Fraud of the 21st Century

Fifty questions on 9/11

DOCUMENTARY – LOOSE CHANGE (final cut – 130 min.)

DOCUMENTARY – 9/11 Mysteries – Demolitions (90 min.)

9/11—Mission Accomplished

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
— Edmund Burke

by Zed Gardner
Published: Feb. 03, 2011 – Pak Alert Press

Having researched the 9/11 cover-up full-time for several years and done my bit as an activist, I had finally decided to withdraw in utter frustration at my seeming inability to open as many eyes as I would have liked. Following a rather long hiatus, I find myself back in the saddle.

Especially in the face of these ongoing illegal wars that continue to devour lives at a sickening rate, I’ve come to realize that efforts to help expose the truth behind 9/11 must transcend personal considerations. Given that it is 9/11 that lies at the root of this horrific slaughter of innocents in distant lands (now well over a million), I truly believe this is a vitally important, selfless, pursuit that embodies the highest form of patriotism and public service imaginable.

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Collapsing America

by Linh Dinh
Published: Sep. 11, 2010 – Dissident Voice

All governments lie, kill and misuse public funds, but these calculated habits are amplified manifold during wars. We’re in two now, aiming for a third. Japan, whose land we’re still occupying 65 years after Hiroshima, has just announced sanctions against Iran beyond what the U.N. mandated. South Korea swiftly followed suit. It’s surprising to see these two countries so in sync, until one remembers that they have become American cheerleaders for decades. Rah, rah, bomb Tehran! A murderous chorus is rising, yet again. Countries that aren’t our client states can be counted with two hands, even those missing fingers from an exploding grenade.

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The Greatest Illusion Ever Performed – 9/11

by Peter Eyre
Published: Sep.10, 2010 – Peter Eyer’s Space

Tomorrow is the anniversary of 9/11 and no doubt there will be mixed emotions amongst the relatives of those that perished. Many of those relatives and many other people around the world are still asking for a fresh investigation as to what actually happened that terrible day. Many experts covering almost every industry from Military – Aviation – Structural Engineers – Fire and Rescue are totally convinced that this was an inside job. Many believe that the US CIA and the Israeli Secret Service (Mossad) were involved.

As a person that has spent more than 50 years associated with both Military and Civilian Aviation I have to say that 9/11 was the biggest “False Flag” con of all time.

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America’s Nuclear Nazis And The Radiation State

by Amy Worthington
Published: Apr. 05, 2010 – Rense.com

Despotic governments throughout the ages have often forced their subjugated masses to strip naked since forcing a captive population to nakedness is the ultimate physical and psychological degradation. With equal barbarism, the U.S. government is organizing a campaign to obtain naked images of millions of Americans traveling through U.S. airports. Even young children will be trained to think it normal for adult strangers wearing badges to demand a probing view of our bodies under clothing.

This authoritarian nightmare is residue from September 11, 2001, when criminal elements of our own government perpetrated the most heinous, genocidal hoax of our age. That was the day the Twin Towers and Building 7 of the World Trade Center were obliterated by thermite incendiaries and other explosives for maximum psychological impact while federal officials blamed foreign terrorists.

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Will Globalists Trigger Yet Another World War (With Video)

by Giordano Bruno
Published: Jan. 08, 2010 – NeitherCorp Press

World War III is the most iconic event in American culture that never happened. Since the early 1950’s, generations have been preparing for it, writing books about it, producing films and fictional accounts on it, and even playing video games based on it. The concept of another world war is so ingrained into our popular consciousness that it has become almost mythological. It is a legend, a fantasy story of something far away and incomprehensible, often associated with Tim Lahaye novels and action adventure narratives of religious prophecy and Armageddon. World War III has become “entertainment.”

The cartoon-ization of a “last great global conflict” is due to a natural tendency of human beings to cope with terrifying ideas, often by intellectually trivializing them, and thereby making them easily digestible, much like the proverbial public speaking tactic of imagining the audience with their clothes off.

The problem with this development in our society is that it causes us to become cynical to the point of idiocy when confronted with very real threats. By convincing ourselves that such an event is an impossibility we leave ourselves unguarded and without a conceptual point of reference, because we have not thought about the scenario in a practical levelheaded manner. This is akin to a man who has never even considered the likelihood of being mugged on the street, versus a man who has trained in self defense for just such a situation. When the event occurs, the two men will have totally different psychological reactions; the first man utterly surprised and out of his element with little to no constructive response, and the latter man far less mentally phased and thus more likely to survive.

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Al Qaeda – The Invented Hydra for the New World Order´s False Flag Operations

by Anders
Published: Jan. 05, 2010 – Euro-med.dk

Summary: Everything seems to suggest that 9/11  was an inside job, an excuse to initiate Brzezinski’s “Grand Chess-board” – military operations in Central Asia in order to submit it to the New World Order World Government. More and more people think so – and are therefore skeptical when new “terrorist attacks” occur. An attempt by a Nigerian in a plane from Amsterdam to Detroit to detonate a bomb triggered suspicions of a false flag action by U.S. government in order to create the right panic to renew the unconstitutional Patriot Act in Congress in February. There is also suspicion that the USA has plans to deploy its military in Yemen, where the terrorist is said to have had his insufficient education. Mr. Obama and Gordon Brown claim that Yemen is haunted by Al-Qaeda fighters who have fled Afghanistan and Pakistan and are now making the world unsafe from Yemen. There will probably just ensue some bombing and a police expeditionary force, as the U.S. cannot cope with a new front. Besides, A  Somali Shabab/”Al-Qaida” sympathizer in Denmark has tried to collect the 1 mio. dollar reward and a ticket to Allah´s Paradise for killing a Muhammad-cartoonist.
On the basis of the Nigerian´s failure which occurred under very strange circumstances, the United States, Britain and Spain have now closed their embassies in Yemen for fear of Al-Quaida – and Obama promises to defuse these hateful warriors – an echo of President Bush in 2001.
But the question is whether Al-Qaeda is anything more than a convenient scapegoat and an excuse for the New World Order with the U.S. and Britain at the forefront to be used for promoting their policies. A BBC study concludes that Al-Qaeda never existed, and the very Council on Foreign Relation’s Magazine, “Foreign Affairs”, states that Al-Qaeda consists of only 200 frightened warriors who try to hide in Pakistan’s mountains. Al-Quaida has not been able to establish any network in the U.S. and the FBI has not found a single Al-Quaida cell nor seen just one single Al-Quaida attack in the entire world! A look back at 9/11 also shows strange situations. There is several credible evidence that the “hijackers” are alive and well-off after 11 Sept! There is only 1 person convicted for 9/11 involvement in the U.S. – and that happened on false evidence and because of the man’s aggressive threats. In other cases, there have been confessions after up to 183 waterboardings in a month – but no convictions, only Guantanamo! A judge ruled that the CIA and other government agencies lied with regard to 9/11 “evidence”
So,everything suggests that “Al-Quaida” has just been conveniently invented by the U.S.

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More proof of WTC 7 lie…

via Oh Bummer

Who Put Super-Thermite in the Twin Towers?

The discovery of chips of highly-explosive super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center is an essential key to unraveling the entire 9-11 hoax. Understanding the lies about 9-11 reveals in turn the mass deception behind the wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq and the utterly fraudulent “War on Terror.” One soon realizes that the whole anti-terrorism Zeitgeist of the past 8 years is nothing but a pack of lies.

The discovery of super-thermite in the dust of the demolished towers opens up the whole can of 9-11 lies.  Dr. Steven E. Jones of Brigham Young University discovered unusual red-gray chips in the dust of the demolished twin towers and along with a team of other scientists published a peer-reviewed paper in March 2009 in which they prove that these chips are fragments from a thin layer of active thermite in the nano-size form, i.e. super-thermite.  This is the powerful explosive that pulverized the towers. Osama Bin Laden certainly didn’t put super-thermite in the twin towers, so who did?  This is the question that demands to be answered.

Super-thermite is defined as a thermitic compound in which one of the two main components is in the nano-size range, i.e. less than one-tenth of a micron in size.  The main components of Thermite are generally aluminum and ferrous or iron oxide.  When these components are reduced to nano-size particles and mixed together, they form super-thermite, a highly energetic and explosive form of Thermite.  Other components can be added to the mix to create other effects, such as to produce a gas to increase the pressure of the explosion when the super-thermite is detonated. 

Because of the nano-size nature of the components of super-thermite, it is usually mixed and suspended in a solution that can be applied to a surface, such as the floors and walls of the World Trade Center, as a spray, film, or gel.  The evidence of the super-thermite chips found in the 9-11 dust suggest that this highly explosive solution had been applied as a thin layer to surfaces of the twin towers as a spray.  Who would have done that?
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Interview – 9/11: Nano-thermite took down the WTC?

via WhatReallyHappened

Danish Scientist on TV: Nano-thermite Behind Collapse of WTC Buildings on 9/11, Not Planes…

Source: UncensoredMagazine

On the morning of April the 6th, Professor Niels Harrit of Copenhagen University in Denmark, who is an expert in nano-chemistry, was interviewed for an entire 10 minutes during a news program on the topic of the nano-thermite found in the dust from the World Trade Centre, (WTC).

During this news report, Harrit, who is one of the nine scientists primarily responsible for the pivotal paper entitled: ‘Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe’, talks about how their research, which was conducted over 18 months, led to the conclusion that planes did not cause the collapse of the three buildings at the WTC on 9/11.

He says that they found such large quantities of nano-thermite in the dust from the WTC, that he believes that this compound, which has the ability to melt metal, must have been brought into the WTC site in tonnes, on pallets. Consequently, he suggests that we need to address this matter with those who were in charge of the security at the World Trade Centre on 9/11.

Harrit, like Dr Steven Jones who also played a major role in this ground-breaking research, refers to their findings as “the loaded gun” and suggests that military personnel might be able to enlighten us more on the little-known topic of nano-thermite, which differs from regular thermite in a number of significant ways, including that its ignition temperature is far lower than that of the conventional kind.

Traces of explosives in 9/11 dust, scientists say…

Tiny red and gray chips found in the dust from the collapse of the World Trade Center contain highly explosive materials — proof, according to a former BYU professor, that 9/11 is still a sinister mystery.

Physicist Steven E. Jones, who retired from Brigham Young University in 2006 after the school recoiled from the controversy surrounding his 9/11 theories, is one of nine authors on a paper published last week in the online, peer-reviewed Open Chemical Physics Journal. Also listed as authors are BYU physics professor Jeffrey Farrer and a professor of nanochemistry at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark.

For several years, Jones has theorized that pre-positioned explosives, not fires from jet fuel, caused the rapid, symmetrical collapse of the two World Trade Center buildings, plus the collapse of a third building, WTC-7.

The newest research, according to the journal authors, shows that dust from the collapsing towers contained a “nano-thermite” material that is highly explosive. Although the article draws no conclusions about the source and purpose of the explosives, Jones has previously supported a theory that the collapse of the WTC towers was part of a government conspiracy to ignore warnings about the 9/11 terrorists so that the attack would propel America to wage war against Afghanistan and Iraq.
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Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe…

 We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples we have studied of the dust produced by the destruction of the World Trade Center. Examination of four of these samples, collected from separate sites, is reported in this paper. These red/gray chips show marked similarities in all four samples. One sample was collected by a Manhattan resident about ten minutes after the collapse of the second WTC Tower, two the next day, and a fourth about a week later.

Numerous iron-rich spheres are clearly observed in the residue following the ignition of these peculiar red/gray chips. The red portion of these chips is found to be an unreacted thermitic material and highly energetic.
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More Than 600 Architects Say 9/11 an Inside Job…

IRVINE, Calif.—Noted San Francisco architect Richard Gage told the audience at Freedom Law School’s annual health and freedom conference recently that his organization, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, is growing quickly and now has more than 600 structural experts who have grave doubts about the official story of what happened to the three World Trade Center buildings that were destroyed in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001.

“We hope to have 1,000 members by September and have over 600 now,” said Gage, a successful architect whose projects dot the California landscape.

The audience heard Gage describe the many problems with the official version, not the least of which is that fire is an “organic process” that could not have caused the symmetrical (uniform) destruction of the 110-story Twin Towers that morning, and the fall of the 47-story Soloman Brothers Building (Building 7) more than six hours later. These three buildings were part of the Rockefeller-inspired WTC complex, consisting of seven buildings on 16 acres.

Gage noted that the vaunted National Institute for Safety and Technology (NIST) study of the WTC buildings did not even look at the voluminous evidence of a controlled demolition of the three structures on 9-11, so it’s not as if the evidence was examined by NIST and declared inconclusive. NIST instead only examined the event “up to the point of collapse” and went no further. Thus, there is no way the government can objectively assess the entire catastrophic event.

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Documentary – 9/11 Mysteries – Demolitions (90 min.)

SYNOPSIS: 90 minutes of pure demolition evidence and analysis, laced with staggering witness testimonials. Moving from “the myth” through “the analysis” and into “the players,” careful deconstruction of the official story set right alongside clean, clear science. The 9/11 picture is not one of politics or nationalism or loyalty, but one of strict and simple physics. How do you get a 10-second 110-story pancake collapse?

Documentary – LOOSE CHANGE (final cut – 130 min.)

Loose Change (2005, 2006, 2007) is a series of documentary films written and directed by Dylan Avery, and produced by Korey Rowe and Jason Bermas and is distributed by MercuryMedia International. The films assert that the September 11, 2001 attacks were planned and conducted by elements within the United States government, and base the claims on perceived anomalies in the historical record of the attacks.