The Elite, the ‘Great Game’ and World War III

by Prof. Mujahid Kamran
First Published: Jun. 2011 – New Dawn Special Issue 16

The control of the US, and of global politics, by the wealthiest families of the planet is exercised in a powerful, profound and clandestine manner. This control began in Europe and has a continuity that can be traced back to the time when the bankers discovered it was more profitable to give loans to governments than to needy individuals.

These banking families and their subservient beneficiaries have come to own most major businesses over the two centuries during which they have secretly and increasingly organised themselves as controllers of governments worldwide and as arbiters of war and peace.

Unless we understand this we will be unable to understand the real reasons for the two world wars and the impending Third World War, a war that is almost certain to begin as a consequence of the US attempt to seize and control Central Asia. The only way out is for the US to back off – something the people of the US and the world want, but the elite does not.

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World Governance Architects II. Bilderberg Partners

Part 1- World Governance Architects I: The Influence of the Bilderberg Bankers on the EU and The US Mentioned in the Parliaments

by Anders
Published: Nov. 27, 2009 –

Summary: Daniel Estulin, Bilderberg expert, undergoes the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission (TC). The CFR was founded in 1921 and became an instrument in Rockefeller’s hands. CFR was initially established to work for a one world government. For many years, CFR has delivered people to the U.S. administration’s highest offices and ministries. Many presidents have been members and virtually all foreign and defense ministers after world War II, top generals, admirals and CIA leaders, etc. CFR founded the UN and rules U.S. and world media, so only CFRs allowable news is promulgated. Thereby, the Rockefeller family could shape public opinion in the desired globalist direction. David Rockefeller is CFRs former president and proud to participate in an international conspiracy to create one world against the best interests of the U.S., as he says in his memoirs. The Trilateral Commission was founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski. It brings together leaders from North America, Europe and the Far East in order to  bring the world under its founder, Rockefeller’s, sway by means of money. Its goal is the New World Order´s world government. It sees as a necessity that all are slaves of the wealthy bankers ‘ needs. National sovereignty must disappear – and democracy, too – so that such ideas do not even occur in public discourse. CFR / TC bring about global crises, which they create themselves, as a pretext for a global solution in the form of world governance to make us give them our freedoms. The means is corruption. The goal is absolute world domination.

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The New World Order (NWO): An Overview

by Ken Adachi
Published: Sep. 02, 2008 – Educate Yourself

There is a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world’s wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility of Europe (dominated by the British Crown) whose goal is to create a One World (fascist) Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda. Their intention is to effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world’s population by 5.5 Billion people. While the name New World Order is a term frequently used today when referring to this group, it’s more useful to identify the principal organizations, institutions, and individuals who make up this vast interlocking spiderweb of elite conspirators.

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Tavistock Institute: The Best Kept Secret in America

by John Coleman

Extract from: CONSPIRATORS’ HIERARCHY: THE COMMITTEE OF 300 by Dr. John Coleman

Formed in 1947, the Tavistock Institute is an independent not-for-profit organisation which seeks to combine research in the social sciences with professional practice. Problems of institution-building and organisational design and change are being tackled in all sectors – government, industry and commerce, health and welfare, education, etc. – nationally and internationally, and clients range from multinationals to small community groups. A growth area has been the use of a developmental approach to evaluation of new and experimental programmes, particularly in health, education and community development. This has also produced new training events alongside the regular programme of group relations conferences. The Institute owns and edits the monthly journal Human Relations (published by Plenum Press) which is now in its 48th year, and has recently launched (in conjunction with Sage Publications) a new journal Evaluation.

Three elements combine to make the Institute unusual, if not unique: it has the independence of being entirely self-financing, with no subsidies from the government or other sources; the action research orientation places it between, but not in, the worlds of academia and consultancy; and its range of disciplines include anthropology, economics, organisational behaviour, political science, psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology.

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Documentary – Ring of Power (4h 20 mins.)

This documentary represents over four years of research by an anonymous professional. The result is an astonishing account of the histories of the world detailing the transference of power from the ancient world to the modern age and the mechanisms of that power, from organised religion to the corporate media and the pantomime of limited democracy.

The production values are far from professional but the high degree and accuracy of the information is remarkable, as is the ability of the film-maker to present the complete picture from an ancient and complex puzzle.

Global Mind Control Through Crisis Creation – TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE