Suharto: Covering Up Western Complicity

Published: 12 February 2008 – Media Lens

The death of the former Indonesian dictator, Suharto, on January 27 could have unleashed a flood of revelations detailing British and American support for one of the 20th century’s worst mass murderers. Instead, the media continued the cover up that has so far lasted more than forty years.

The 1965-6 massacres that accompanied Suharto’s rise to power claimed the lives of between 500,000 and 1 million people, mostly landless peasants. A 1977 Amnesty International report cited a tally of “many more than one million” deaths. ( suharto-itt.html) In the words of a leaked CIA report at the time, the massacre was “one of the worst mass murders of the 20th century”. (Declassified US CIA Directorate of Intelligence research study, ‘Indonesia – 1965: The Coup That Backfired,’ 1968;

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The Curse of Cluster Bombs

by Tom Fawthrop
Published: Sep. 30, 2011 – Foreign Policy in Focus

Laos, a small landlocked country in Southeast Asia known as “the most bombed country on earth,” fittingly hosted an international disarmament conference in November 2010.

This was a follow-up to an Oslo conference in 2008 when 94 nations signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM), an international treaty to ban all cluster weapons following in the footsteps of the global campaign to ban landmines which came into force in 1999.

“This convention is a humanitarian instrument in nature that aims to liberate ourselves from fear and threat of cluster bombs,” Saleumxay Kommasith, director general of the Department of International Organizations at the Lao foreign ministry, told IPS news agency. “We view our role in the cluster ban treaty as a contributor to the global effort to ban cluster munitions.”

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6 Ways Food is Being Used as a Weapon

Published: Jul. 25, 2011 – Activist Post

Hungry people will do anything for food, which means that those who have control over food can use it as leverage. In 1974, Henry Kissinger suggested using food as a weapon to induce targeted population reduction in a previously classified 200-page report, National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.  The primary tactic to be applied is that food aid would be withheld from developing nations until they submitted to birth control policies:


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The Elite, the ‘Great Game’ and World War III

by Prof. Mujahid Kamran
First Published: Jun. 2011 – New Dawn Special Issue 16

The control of the US, and of global politics, by the wealthiest families of the planet is exercised in a powerful, profound and clandestine manner. This control began in Europe and has a continuity that can be traced back to the time when the bankers discovered it was more profitable to give loans to governments than to needy individuals.

These banking families and their subservient beneficiaries have come to own most major businesses over the two centuries during which they have secretly and increasingly organised themselves as controllers of governments worldwide and as arbiters of war and peace.

Unless we understand this we will be unable to understand the real reasons for the two world wars and the impending Third World War, a war that is almost certain to begin as a consequence of the US attempt to seize and control Central Asia. The only way out is for the US to back off – something the people of the US and the world want, but the elite does not.

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War Criminal Henry Kissinger

War Criminal Henry Kissinger Top Speaker At State Department Conference

by Jeffrey Kaye
Published: Oct. 03, 2010 – The Public Record

There was also a deficiency in imagination likely to circumscribe the value of any study by Kissinger of Kissinger. Asked about his role in the Cambodian war, in which an estimated five hundred thousand people died, he’d said, “I may have a lack of imagination, but I fail to see the moral issue involved.” — Joseph Heller, Good as Gold (Kissinger’s original quote is from William Shawcross’s Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon, and the Destruction of Cambodia)

Fred Branfman has a great article up over at AlterNet pillorying the State Department’s invitation to Henry Kissinger to address a conference on “the American Experience in Southeast Asia, 1946-1975.” The conference was scheduled for September 29-30 at the George C. Marshall Conference Center at the U.S. Department of State. Along with bona fide war criminal Kissinger, the other invitees included current Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard C. Holbrooke, and Former Deputy Secretary of State, and Former Director of National Intelligence John D. Negroponte.

It was only last April here at The Seminal/Firedoglake that I reported on the declassification of a 1976 State Department cable from Henry Kissinger to “his assistant secretary of state for Inter-American affairs, Harry Shlaudeman, to cancel a formal demarche to the Uruguayan government, protesting the assassinations and other activities of Operation Condor.” Only five days later, former Chilean diplomat Orlando Letelier and his assistant Ronnie Moffat were assassinated on the streets of Washington, D.C. by a CIA-supported Chilean secret police killer.
But, as the Obama administration rehabilitation of the odious Kissinger demonstrates, memory is short in Washington, even when there is blood on the streets… unless that blood can be turned in for demagogic currency, as is the case with the deaths on 9/11. To have Kissinger honored as an authority on the Indochinese War is an obscenity of the first order. Branfman recalls some of the essential history: . .

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Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 2 The Satanic New World Order

Part 1 – The link to the New World Order

by Peter Eyre
Published: Apr. 07, 2010 – Pal Telegraph

I and many other writers have talked about the New World Order (NWO) but who are they and just how far will they go to achieve their goals? The answer to that question is they will go as far as they need to go to reach their objectives….if that entails killing thousands of people then so be it. The NWO are certainly satanic and they will create any amount of “False Flag” operations to justify a military outcome.

The list is endless……USS Liberty, USS Cole, US Embassy and Hotel in Kenya, failed attack in Somalia, Oklahoma bombing, numerous attempted High Jacking’s (including Detroit), current operations in Yemen, the fictitious Al Qaeda and the top of the list 9/11 which was a total conspiracy….one could also add to this the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and more recently the man made Swine Flu!

Maybe you are shocked to read this as you would probably be also shocked to know that our countries are being taken over by these mad men. The term sovereignty has almost totally disappeared from our dictionary and replaced by this relatively small group of evil and greedy warmongers who seek to control the world and its natural resources.

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Depleted Uranium a tool to depopulate the world

by Sepp Hasslberger
Published: Apr. 09, 2006 –

War, Epidemics, Depopulation – Rough Times Ahead Having read this article of Justin Raimondo yesterday, I caught a glimpse of a vision of destruction. Something that might await us just around the bend, like starting in less than two-weeks’ time, when Iran is scheduled to open their new oil bourse where black gold will be traded in Euro, not in Dollars.

If you consider the dangers of man made pandemics, such as AIDS and the successor to last year’s SARS, the Bird Flu, the scourge of depleted uranium or even just of the normal application of pharmaceutical medicine, which has become one of the major causes of death, it does not take a vivid imagination to see destruction awaiting a significant part of the planet’s population…

… unless, of course, we should manage to wake up in time and take back control from those who would lead us to the brink of extinction to forward their policy objective of a marked reduction in population numbers.

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Bohemian grove: Presidents and global elite performing occult ritual cremation of care, sacrificing to moloch


The Bohemian club, was founded in 1872 with it’s headquarters located in San Francisco. Every summer in July its members attend a “camp” located in Monte Rio, CA. known as the  Bohemian grove. At the grove, deep in the woods, our world leaders attend occult rituals and engage in bizarre behavior possibly including cross-dressing and homosexuality, no women are allowed in the grove. The most well known of these ceremonies is the “Cremation of Care”. Evidently, during the Cremation of Care members conduct a mock sacrifice of a human child to a 40 foot statue of an owl by burning the body. The owl statue is Moloch, a god or king. The word Moloch itself is associated with fire and sacrifice.

-Former  President Bill Clinton to a heckler
“The Bohemian club! Did you say Bohemian club? That’s where all those rich Republicans go up and stand naked against redwood trees right? I’ve never been to the Bohemian club but you oughta go. It’d be good for you. You’d get some fresh air.” Read the rest of this entry »

David De Mayer Rothschild’s Global Population Reduction Ideology (With Video)

Published: Oct. 03, 2009 –

Recently Popular Mechanics published an interesting article about David Mayer Rothschild building a boat he calls the plastiki. In the article Rothschild explains that he is building a 60-foot sailboat out of plastic bottles he plans to sail from San Francisco to Sydney. His intent is to raise awareness of the plastic pollution in the oceans. It seems to me that David Mayer Rothschild, head of Adventure Ecology, has been very environmentally aware and conservative, attempting to save the world from pollution.

Rothschild’s belt buckle is interesting. This could be an obvious connection with the Skull and Bones secret society at Yale to which at least the last four generations of Bush men belonged to.

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A New World War for a New World Order

The Origins of World War III: Part 3

This article is Part 3 in the Series, “The Origins of World War III.”

Part 1: An Imperial Strategy for a New World Order: The Origins of World War III
Part 2: Colour-Coded Revolutions and the Origins of World War III

by Andrew Gavin Marshall
Published: Dec. 17, 2009 – Global Research


In Parts 1 and 2 of this series, I have analyzed US and NATO geopolitical strategy since the fall of the Soviet Union, in expanding the American empire and preventing the rise of new powers, containing Russia and China. This Part examines the implications of this strategy in recent years; following the emergence of a New Cold War, as well as analyzing the war in Georgia, the attempts and methods of regime change in Iran, the coup in Honduras, the expansion of the Afghan-Pakistan war theatre, and spread of conflict in Central Africa. These processes of a New Cold War and major regional wars and conflicts take the world closer to a New World War. Peace can only be possible if the tools and engines of empires are dismantled.

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World Governance Architects II. Bilderberg Partners

Part 1- World Governance Architects I: The Influence of the Bilderberg Bankers on the EU and The US Mentioned in the Parliaments

by Anders
Published: Nov. 27, 2009 –

Summary: Daniel Estulin, Bilderberg expert, undergoes the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission (TC). The CFR was founded in 1921 and became an instrument in Rockefeller’s hands. CFR was initially established to work for a one world government. For many years, CFR has delivered people to the U.S. administration’s highest offices and ministries. Many presidents have been members and virtually all foreign and defense ministers after world War II, top generals, admirals and CIA leaders, etc. CFR founded the UN and rules U.S. and world media, so only CFRs allowable news is promulgated. Thereby, the Rockefeller family could shape public opinion in the desired globalist direction. David Rockefeller is CFRs former president and proud to participate in an international conspiracy to create one world against the best interests of the U.S., as he says in his memoirs. The Trilateral Commission was founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski. It brings together leaders from North America, Europe and the Far East in order to  bring the world under its founder, Rockefeller’s, sway by means of money. Its goal is the New World Order´s world government. It sees as a necessity that all are slaves of the wealthy bankers ‘ needs. National sovereignty must disappear – and democracy, too – so that such ideas do not even occur in public discourse. CFR / TC bring about global crises, which they create themselves, as a pretext for a global solution in the form of world governance to make us give them our freedoms. The means is corruption. The goal is absolute world domination.

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The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and The New World Order

by William Blase

For those who may be confused by the controversies surrounding the “New World Order”, a One-World-Government, and American concern over giving the UN more power; those unaware of the issues involved; and those wishing more background, I offer the following.

Originally presented for an Honors Class, “Dilemmas of War and Peace,” at New Mexico State University, the paper was ridiculed and characterized by Dr. Yosef Lapid, (an acknowledged and locally quoted “expert” on Terrorism and Middle Eastern affairs) as “paranoid… possibly a symptom of mental illness.” You may judge for yourself.

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World Governance Architects I: The Influence of the Bilderberg Bankers on the EU and The US Mentioned in the Parliaments

by Anders
Published: Nov. 21, 2009 –

Summary: So far, the one-world government protagonists managed to cover up their plot by simply saying “Pth! Conspiracy theory,” although their groups have long been professing their quest to rule the world (world governance). Now in the EU Parliament, Italian MEP, Mario Borghezio, pointed out the farce which preceded the occupation of the office as the EU’s first permanent president: Rompuy first had to be examined by the Bilderbergers to have their seal of approval. So had the U.S. presidential candidates, Obama and Clinton, in 2008. Already in 1987, Senator Jesse Helms in the US Senate pointed to the great power exerted by named secret societies – including Bilderberg – to promote their New World Order, world governance, which Mr Barroso, Gordon Brown, Sarkozy, and now the new EU President Rompuy, too etc.. are talking so much about.
Daniel Estulin is probably the only uninvited person to attend a Bilderberg meeting, in 2005. He calls the Bilderbegers and their partne organizations (later) the world’s shadow government that threatens to make serfs of us, displace the nation state and plunder the planet for their own benefit. They will create an international identity and a universal set of “values”, perform sophisticated mind control, enforce their particular values by means of a world army, namely NATO, and create perpetual war, until everything is pax bilderbergica. They will reward their henchmen and destroy opponents. Their power is based on their control of the world´s money.

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Who Are The Illuminati?

“The world is governed by far different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes” (Benjamin Disraeli).

by Richard Stone
Published: Nov. 09, 2009 –

Conspiracy theory is the theory that most of the world is secretly governed by a small group of men who operate behind the scenes. Conspiracy theory is now an accepted turn of phrase but sometimes one hears the expression, sometimes whispered rather than spoken. “The Illuminati”.

What does this mean? Who are the Illuminati? They are, in essence, a cartel of international bankers and industrialists based in Western Europe and North America. The names of certain families persist over long periods of time. Some of the most important names are Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Lazard, Warburg, Schroder and Schiff.

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What are Bilderberg Conferences all about?

by Tony Gosling
Published: Feb. 2000 –

The Bilderberg Secretariat proclaims the conferences to be ‘…private in order to encourage frank and open discussion’. Frank and open discussion is a good thing in any forum but when those doing the discussing are some of the very most powerful financiers and media tycoons in the world it begs the question: If what they discuss is for the good of ordinary people why not publicise it! Isn’t it a perverted use of the word ‘open’ when no-one can find out what they’re saying?

Is Bilderberg a secret conspiracy?

When such rich and powerful people meet up in secret, with military intelligence managing their security, with hardly a whisper escaping of what goes on inside, people are right to be suspicious. But the true power of Bilderberg comes from the fact that participants are in a bubble, sealed off from reality and the devastating implications on the ground of the black-science economic solutions on the table.

No, it’s not a ‘conspiracy’. The world’s leading financiers and foreign policy strategists don’t get together at Bilderberg to draw up their ‘secret plans for the future’. It’s subtler than that. These meetings create an artificial ‘consensus’ in an attempt to spellbind visiting politicians and and other men of influence. Blair has fallen for this hook, line and sinker. It’s about reinforcing – often to the very people who are on the edge of condemning Globalisation – the illusion that Globalisation is ‘good’, ‘popular’ and that it’s inevitable.

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The Order of the Skull & Bones; the Eugenic Societies; and Population Control organisations

by Alfred Mendes
Published: Jul. 2006 –

Eugenics (Greek for ‘good birth’) is the study of methods to improve the human race by controlled selective breeding – bolstered by its concomitant term ‘population control’.

The colonisation of the so-called ‘under-developed’, poorer countries of this world by the more ‘developed’ capitalist-orientated countries (primarily European), benefitted the latter greatly – at the expense of the former. Slavery was one of the more tragic outcomes – another being that thecolonisers were now imbued with racist perceptions, which led to widespread usage within the English-speaking countries of such derogatory terms as: ‘niggers/coons’; ‘coolies’; ‘wogs/ragheads’; ‘yids’ – and-the-like.

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Tony Blair’s limitless greed feeds off his war crimes

“This beggars belief. It’s absolutely scandalous that he’s now trying to make money from his contacts in the region. It’s money from the blood and lives of the soldiers who died in Iraq.”

by Jon Ungoed-Thomas
First Published: Oct. 18, 2009 – The Sunday Times

TONY BLAIR has been cashing in on his contacts from the Iraq conflict and his role as Middle East peace envoy for a private business venture expected to earn him more than £5m a year.

The former prime minister has sold his political and economic expertise to two countries, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, via his fledgling private consultancy. He also represents the investment bank JP Morgan in the region.

Blair has been working pro bono in the Middle East as a peace envoy while amassing a fortune from the American lecture circuit. By offering himself to the Arab states as a statesman for hire, he could comfortably double his annual earnings.

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Dr. Rauni Kilde on the Swine Flu and the Depopulation Agenda (Spanish Subtitles)

Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde (born 1939 in Värtsilä, now in the Republic of Karelia) was the provincial medical officer of the Finnish Lapland Province with a doctorate in medicine from 1975 until a car accident in 1986, which took away her ability to continue her work and career. Since then she has been best known for her UFO contacts and related thoughts.



VIDEO – Flashback: 1976 Swine Flu Scam

The Population Reduction Agenda For Dummies

Joseph Moshe (MOSSAD Microbiologist): “Swine flu vaccine is a bioweapon”

Swine Flu: Who Profits?

VIDEO – The Swine Flu Fiasco (CBC, 1983)

Militarization of Swine Flu Preparations

Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Government is Planning Mass Graves in Case of H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic

What are Obama’s investments in biotech companies apparently developing the “bird” and “swine” flu vaccine?

Big Pharma: Baxter Files Swine Flu Vaccine Patent a Year Ahead of Outbreak

Charges For Conspiracy Against Mankind

Obama gets billions for ‘pandemic’ Swine Flu

Swine Flu Outbreak Or Bioterrorism And Intent To Commit Mass Murder?

Media sensationalism, corporate power and the swine flu outbreak

Swine Flu Created in Lab as Bio-Weapon?

As Swine Flu Spreads, Conspiracy Theories of Laboratory Origins Abound

Who Will Profit from the Deadly Flu This Time?

UK prepares mass graves for swine flu victims

Swine flu drug increases stroke risk

VIDEO – Swine Flu vaccine Baxter linked to Dyncorp´s mercs H1N1 patents

VIDEO –  Made in a Lab – The Swine Flu Swindle

VIDEO – ‘Swine flu virus began life in lab’

Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccine Alert

VIDEO – Mexican Flu Outbreak 2009: SPECIAL REPORT by Dr Leonard Horowitz

Swine Flu Vaccinations Could Prove More Deadly Than the Swine Flu

Flu is Not the biggest danger… It’s the Vaccine

Next step in H1N1 scare: Microchip implants

Cops jump on swine-flu power: Shots heard ’round the world

Dangerous, Deadly H1N1 Vaccine Scam

Martial Law Alert Over Swine Flu

Nano Particles used in Untested H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccines

Rockefeller and Silverstein implicated in new FBI pandemic

VIDEO Alert: Preparing for the Swine Flu Pandemic: Body Bags for the Canada’s First Nations

Comprehend VeriChip’s Swine Flu Chip

VIDEO – The Swine Flu Conspiracy

VIDEO – Dr Len Horowitz – Anglo American Flu Genocide

The “Deadly Second Wave of Swine Flu”. Scaremongering or Sequel of Vaccinations?

A Strengthened Virus and a Police State

Prelude to Final Disaster: Rockefeller´s Depopulation Programme

The Move to Depopulate the Planet

History of the New World Order

Published: Oct. 2003 –

1773Mayer Amschel Rothschild assembles twelve of his most influential friends, and convinces them that if they all pool their resources together, they can rule the world. This meeting takes place in Frankfurt, Germany. Rothschild also informs his friends that he has found the perfect candidate, an individual of incredible intellect and ingenuity, to lead the organization he has planned – Adam Weishaupt.

May 1, 1776Adam Weishaupt (code named Spartacus) establishes a secret society called the Order of the Illuminati. Weishaupt is the Professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, part of Germany. The Illuminati seek to establish a New World Order. Their objectives are as follows:

1) Abolition of all ordered governments
2) Abolition of private property
3) Abolition of inheritance
4) Abolition of patriotism
5) Abolition of the family
6) Abolition of religion
7) Creation of a world government


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Prelude to Final Disaster: Rockefeller´s Depopulation Programme

by Anders
Published: Jul. 01, 2009 –

UK´s Prince Philip,  printed in the American Almanac 25 Aug, 1997:“ In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation“Such a cynical attitude of the elite must be seen as a very serious warning to us.
For a long time during my internet Odyssees, I have run into the concept of New World Order depopulation. Time and again I found it so bizarre that I immediately went on to another topic. However, of late – in particular in the context of the “swineflu pandemic” declared by the WHO I ran into such remarkable evidence that I cannot ignore this threat any longer.

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