The Enlightened Ones: The Illuminati and the New World Order

The world is governed by far different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.– Benjamin Disraeli, nineteenth century British prime minister, in a speech to Parliament

by Michael Howard – New Dawn Magazine – April 7, 2010

On 1 May 1776, the year of the beginning of the American revolution against British colonial rule, a young university professor, Adam Weishaupt (1748–1830), from Bavaria, founded the Order of Perfectibilists, later to become world famous as the Illuminati or ‘Enlightened Ones’.

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Who Really Controls the World?

Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.
– Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States (1856-1924)

by Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran
Published: Dec.14, 2011 – New Dawn Magazine

The advent of the industrial revolution, the invention of a banking system based on usury, and scientific and technological advancements during the past three centuries have had three major consequences. These have made the incredible concentration of wealth in a few hands possible, have led to the construction of increasingly deadly weapons culminating in weapons of mass destruction, and have made it possible to mould the minds of vast populations by application of scientific techniques through the media and control of the educational system.

The wealthiest families on planet earth call the shots in every major upheaval that they cause. Their sphere of activity extends over the entire globe, and even beyond, their ambition and greed for wealth and power knows no bounds, and for them, most of mankind is garbage – “human garbage.” It is also their target to depopulate the globe and maintain a much lower population compared to what we have now.

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The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events

The Order of the Illuminati is often at the center of debates about the impact of secret societies on human history. Is the Illuminati a myth or does it truly secretly rule the world? As the number of people asking that question has grown, facts about the Order have become diluted with misconceptions and disinformation, making objective research on the subject difficult. This article attempts to shed some factual light on the Order of the Illuminati by reviewing some of the most important documents on the subject.

by Vigilant Citizen
Published: Oct. 15, 2011 – Secret Arcana

The world “Illuminati” is thrown around rather freely to describe the elite group that is secretly running the world. Most have a general idea of the meaning of the term, but are confused about the concepts and the ideas relating to it. Is the Illuminati the same thing as Freemasonry? What are their goals? What are their beliefs? Why do they act in secret? Do they practice occultism? Attempting to objectively research the subject can become an arduous task as most sources end up being either dismissive disinformation pieces that deny (and even ridicule) anything related to the Illuminati or, at the other end of the spectrum, espouse ill-informed fear mongering based on rumors and misconceptions. In both cases, the researcher ends up with the same result: a distorted version of the truth.

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9/11 – Occult Trauma-Based Mind Control

by Zen Gardner
Published: Sep. 10, 2011 – Zen Gardner

The spiritual supporting pillars of the world’s societal structure were essentially demolished on 9/11…symbolically, alegorically, ritualistically and literally.

Imploded and destroyed. The rest followed.

It was quite a sinister “stroke of genius” and so exemplifies how these dark controllers operate. This is why the wake up to 9/11 Truth is so shocking to people’s systems and they just can’t handle it. It’s overwhelming, which it was designed to be. And so the vast populace rolls over and buries its head back in the sand.

Nicely done, except….

Tell A Big Enough Lie

…and you’ll eventually get exposed. So full of lies are these controllers it’s beyond the grasp of normal sentient beings. And they revel in the power of that. It’s amazing they can be so brash yet hidden in plain sight.

And these entities apparently rarely even know each other or their own ilk’s identities. It’s a hidden, and not so hidden, cult of non-feeling self-appointed elitist power mad psychopaths out to subdue humanity like it’s some kind of a game.

How does that make you feel, that we’re considered “useless eaters”, “goyim”, “parasites”, “human resources”?

Wait till this all sorts out in the end. Our indignation will trump their arrogance any day. But we can’t just go on business as usual either hoping for the cavalry to rescue us, as the religionists would have everyone believe. We cannot allow ourselves and if possible others to stay sedated in a state of acceptance to over the top offenses to humanity that should make our blood boil.

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Janus – Illuminati God Of Chaos and Deception

Janus Bifrons..who was the two-faced Greco-Roman god?

by Zen Gardner
Published: Sep.17, 2011 – Zen Gardner

The irony is that people not only know their rulers and society overall are two-faced, they expect it. Whether consciously or subconsciously we all know lying and deception are inherent to the matrix that’s been foisted upon us.

Another irony is that even in the definition of Janus there are two very different versions as to whom this mythological character really was.

Who Was Janus?

We see this two-faced image a lot in our lives. Many know it dates back to Greek and Roman mythology. However, there’s much more to this character than meets the eye.

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Documentary – In the Shadow of Hermes by Jüri Lina (2011)

This documentary In the Shadow of Hermes  by Jüri Lina shows how freemasons, international bankers, and communists joined forces in an unholy alliance and through the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917 established in Russia the most brutal and dehumanizing slave society the world has ever seen. Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn in 1974 admonished his countrymen: “Live without lies!” This applies equally to the West. The Truth in our time is in no way self-evident. Most official facts about communism are not true. Solzhenitsyn emphasized: “In our country the lie has become not just a moral category, but a pillar of the state.” The facts have been suppressed both in the East and the West.

The film “In the Shadow of Hermes” is an important documentation of those financial masonic forces that cold-bloodedly worked behind the scenes through communism to profit from the suffering of others. The director, Jüri Lina, stresses that it is his duty to tell the truth about communism and its grey eminences, and not just superficially treat its psychopathic symptoms, while the truth today is not highly valued. History is made every day, but by whom? The answer is given in this film, the aim of which is to unmask the truth, despite the falsifications of history, so meekly reported by the media. To know the real history of communism is the best insurance against ideological impostors. Based on the book “Under the Sign of the Scorpion” by the Estonian dissident Jüri Lina who narrates this documentary in Swedish.



VIDEO – Wall Street, Freemasonry and the Bolshevik Revolution

The Occult Origins Of The American Nation

VIDEO – Antony Sutton: Wall Street & Bolshevik Revolution

FREE BOOK ONLINE – Antony C. Sutton – Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (pdf .)

DOCUMENTARY – History of Freemasonry (2005), by Juri Lina (53 min.)

Who Are The Illuminati?

DOCUMENTARY – RIDDLES IN STONE: Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.”

VIDEO – The Fabian Society, the Freemasonry and the Beehive

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part II: The Freemason BUS & The House of Rothschild

Pawns in the Game: A Satanic conspiracy to control the world

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families

by Dean Henderson
Published: Jun. 01, 2011 –

The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP Amoco and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch.

According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation.[1]

So who then are the stockholders in these money center banks?

This information is guarded much more closely. My queries to bank regulatory agencies regarding stock ownership in the top 25 US bank holding companies were given Freedom of Information Act status, before being denied on “national security” grounds. This is rather ironic, since many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe.

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9/11—Mission Accomplished

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
— Edmund Burke

by Zed Gardner
Published: Feb. 03, 2011 – Pak Alert Press

Having researched the 9/11 cover-up full-time for several years and done my bit as an activist, I had finally decided to withdraw in utter frustration at my seeming inability to open as many eyes as I would have liked. Following a rather long hiatus, I find myself back in the saddle.

Especially in the face of these ongoing illegal wars that continue to devour lives at a sickening rate, I’ve come to realize that efforts to help expose the truth behind 9/11 must transcend personal considerations. Given that it is 9/11 that lies at the root of this horrific slaughter of innocents in distant lands (now well over a million), I truly believe this is a vitally important, selfless, pursuit that embodies the highest form of patriotism and public service imaginable.

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Pike’s Amazing Predictions Of Three World Wars (With Video)

Published: Jul. 19, 2010 – Pak Alert Press

Albert Pike received a vision, which he described in a letter that he wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871. This letter graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order, and we can marvel at how accurately it has predicted events that have already taken place.

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The Elite Engineering People to Love Their Servitude: The Essence of the New World Order

by Anders
Published: Jul. 16, 2010 –

Summary: This is an excerpt of Andrew Gavin Marshall´s shocking essay. There is a paradoxe in the New World Order ideology: Officially it is working for the slogan of the French Revolution, its first big one, but in reality it it is a deeply racist movement considering itself to be the master race and the populations of the world to be inferior beings. Being Luciferians, the elitists consider themselves gods, entitled to shape mankind´s genes and minds according to their sick needs. They think the world ends up in chaos without their leadership – order out of chaos, as they say. But first they create chaos, since they own the world due to their incredible wealth. Their modern gurus are the brothers Aldous and Julian Huxley as well as Betrand Russell who introduced the idea of global scientific dictatorship by means of eugenics and by making mankind slaves through mass psychology. But more than that: they are making us love our slavery (welfare state, which they are now dismantling). Once completely established, their dictatorship will be impossible to abolish – for it is so interwoven and thought through, as an illuminist said already in 1781. It is funded by  Rockefeller Foundations, Ford, Carnegie, Mellon, Harriman, and Morgan. It really took in California in the 1920es – and Hitler imitated and further developed the ideas and the system in the Holocaust. After the war, eugenics had to split up into  population control, genetics, environmentalism – and mental hygiene. The UNESCO is deeply involved. The eugenecists are using tools like genetic manipulations, technology (chipping). Their aim is global mind control over a reduced humanity consisting of upgraded individuals – as in cattle breeding.

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The Modern State of Israel: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened, Part 1

If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you; but if you really make them think, they’ll hate you.”– Don Marquis

by Robert Singer
Published: May 23, 2010 – The Peoples Voice

The following Glossary, abbreviations and essay will help the reader understand how Theodor Herzl on August 29, 1897 predicted that within fifty years there would be a Jewish state.

Zionism: an organization of Jews who believed the Jewish people needed a nation of their own to escape persecution.

Judaism: Jews collectively who practice a religion based on the Torah and the Talmud.

RothIsm or Rothschildism: abbreviation for The Zionist movement corrupted and co-opted by The House of Rothschild and their agents to advance a New World Order agenda. In 1871 Albert Pike Grand Master of the Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium, received a vision, which he described in a letter dated August 15, 1871 that graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order.

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Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 2 The Satanic New World Order

Part 1 – The link to the New World Order

by Peter Eyre
Published: Apr. 07, 2010 – Pal Telegraph

I and many other writers have talked about the New World Order (NWO) but who are they and just how far will they go to achieve their goals? The answer to that question is they will go as far as they need to go to reach their objectives….if that entails killing thousands of people then so be it. The NWO are certainly satanic and they will create any amount of “False Flag” operations to justify a military outcome.

The list is endless……USS Liberty, USS Cole, US Embassy and Hotel in Kenya, failed attack in Somalia, Oklahoma bombing, numerous attempted High Jacking’s (including Detroit), current operations in Yemen, the fictitious Al Qaeda and the top of the list 9/11 which was a total conspiracy….one could also add to this the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and more recently the man made Swine Flu!

Maybe you are shocked to read this as you would probably be also shocked to know that our countries are being taken over by these mad men. The term sovereignty has almost totally disappeared from our dictionary and replaced by this relatively small group of evil and greedy warmongers who seek to control the world and its natural resources.

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Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 1 The link to the New World Order

by Peter Eyre
Published: Apr. 02, 2010 – Pal Telegraph

This heading may appear alarming to some people but is there a hidden master plan? Is it possible that some aspects of this has already started and if so how and who is involved. We hear so many times of the so called “New World Order and the “Illuminati” but does it actually exist? What ever you want to call this elite organisation one can say with some certainty that it does certainly exist. I also find it incredible that this relatively small group can change the course of history and we the millions may have no power to stop it.

So where does this start and who is involved? In my opinion mass depopulation is already well underway with the use of weapons containing uranium components. It all started back in the Balkans and has progressively worked its way via Kuwait – Iraq – Afghanistan – Lebanon – Gaza – Pakistan and soon Yemen and Somalia.

But let’s turn back the clock and see when the aggressive use of “Dirty Weapons” really started. As I said previously the war in Balkans was the initial testing grounds for these weapons but something significant had to happen to allow the New World Order to move forward. Obviously 9/11 kick started a series of events that has now become part of the “New World Orders Master Plan. In my opinion 9/11 was a total conspiracy and a very carefully planned Mossad operation, with of course the full support of certain figures within the US and elsewhere. I will cover this conspiracy in more details later on in the series.

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Pawns in the Game: A Satanic conspiracy to control the world


First printed in 1954, “Pawns in the Game” is the best single work available on the evil conspiracy that has been responsible for the devastating wars and continuing conflicts of the past century, and which is now close to its ultimate goal of total world domination through a dictatorial One World Government.

Pawns in the Game is written by William Guy Carr (1895-1959), a noted author who had a distinguished career as a Canadian naval officer, including outstanding service during World War II. The book begins as follows:

“Here is a TRUE story of international intrigue, romance, corruption, graft, and political assassinations, the like of which has never been written before. It is the story of how different groups or atheistic-materialistic men have played in an international chess tournament to decide which group would win ultimate control of the wealth, natural resources, and man-power of the entire world. It is explained how the game has reached the final stage. The lnternational Communists, and the International Capitalists, (both of whom have totalitarian ambitions) have temporarily joined hands to defeat Christian-democracy.

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Bohemian grove: Presidents and global elite performing occult ritual cremation of care, sacrificing to moloch


The Bohemian club, was founded in 1872 with it’s headquarters located in San Francisco. Every summer in July its members attend a “camp” located in Monte Rio, CA. known as the  Bohemian grove. At the grove, deep in the woods, our world leaders attend occult rituals and engage in bizarre behavior possibly including cross-dressing and homosexuality, no women are allowed in the grove. The most well known of these ceremonies is the “Cremation of Care”. Evidently, during the Cremation of Care members conduct a mock sacrifice of a human child to a 40 foot statue of an owl by burning the body. The owl statue is Moloch, a god or king. The word Moloch itself is associated with fire and sacrifice.

-Former  President Bill Clinton to a heckler
“The Bohemian club! Did you say Bohemian club? That’s where all those rich Republicans go up and stand naked against redwood trees right? I’ve never been to the Bohemian club but you oughta go. It’d be good for you. You’d get some fresh air.” Read the rest of this entry »

David De Mayer Rothschild’s Global Population Reduction Ideology (With Video)

Published: Oct. 03, 2009 –

Recently Popular Mechanics published an interesting article about David Mayer Rothschild building a boat he calls the plastiki. In the article Rothschild explains that he is building a 60-foot sailboat out of plastic bottles he plans to sail from San Francisco to Sydney. His intent is to raise awareness of the plastic pollution in the oceans. It seems to me that David Mayer Rothschild, head of Adventure Ecology, has been very environmentally aware and conservative, attempting to save the world from pollution.

Rothschild’s belt buckle is interesting. This could be an obvious connection with the Skull and Bones secret society at Yale to which at least the last four generations of Bush men belonged to.

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Controlling The Minds Of The Masses: How It Is Done And Why (With Videos)

by Giordano Bruno
Published: Dec. 09, 2009 – Pak Alert Press

Mind Control” is a loaded term, often associated with science fiction and the fantastical by people who are not aware of its very real history. Images of Orwell’s “1984” or Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” are conjured; dystopic nightmare landscapes assumed only possible in pulp literature. What many people do not know or realize is that these books were based on actual ideas and theories that had been put forward by social and scientific elites for decades, and in some cases, centuries. The desire of the “ruling class” to understand the mechanics of the human mind has left a trail of misery dating back to earliest recorded history. It was not enough for them to subjugate the masses through force; the Elites wanted the people to accept their slavery, to integrate it into their psyches. They wanted us to be “thankful” for our servitude, for only then, would they truly be in control of the world.

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Climate Religion and Copenhagen II. Gaia Churches of Climatology. How Gorbachev, Rockefeller and Rothschild Terminate Christianity

Part 1 – The Climate Religion and Copenhagen I. UN: “Environment Should Compete with Religion, So That We can Shape People and Countries”

by Anders
Published: Dec. 08, 2009 –

Summary: The Copenhagen Conference on an alleged global warming has a strong religious / apocalyptic element, since it is  driven by fanatical, hysterical NGOs with such force that it puts politicians under pressure – as do the globalist organizations like the EU and the UN. The religion is a cult of Mother Earth, Gaia of the ancient Greeks, with Luciferian notions of human divinity, and that God is nature (pantheism). After 40 years of corrosive mental hygiene not only people – but also churches are widely dechristianized. So many are joining this pagan religion that does not have room for Christ as the saviour of man from death. Instead, they worship his Creation – will even introduce more dead rituals, such as the blessing of animals, which allegedly will also be resurrected: “The power of resurrection is placed in our hands,” say these crazy priests. The morals of the Gaia religion are not Christ’s Commandments – but those of Lenin´s through Gorbachev’s “Earth Charter”, the sustainability ideology. In evidence of unity within this new world religion  churches in North America and Northern Europe will ring their bells  in alarm for Creation by 350 strokes each – in a relay from Svalbard to Copenhagen through Norway and Sweden. 350 strokes, because the trickster, James Hansen of NASA´s GISS,  claims without substantiation that any atmospheric CO2 concentration above 350 parts per one million is dangerous. Not surprising that an English court has called the green movement a religion. The Catholic Church wholeheartedly joins the pagan Gaia religion, which is closely related to the Pope’s Interfaith Movement – an offshoot of Rockefeller’s United Religions Initiative, the tool to appease peoples in his world state. 

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The Aim of the Financiers: A One-World Government With a One-World Currency

by Alain Pilote
Published: Aug. 1996 –

The basic flaw of the present financial system is that the banks create money as a debt, charging interest on the money that they create. The obligation for the debtor countries to repay the banks money that the banks did not create, money that does not exist, brings about unrepayable debts. The Financiers know quite well that it is impossible for these countries to repay their debts, that the present financial system is defective at its base, and that it can only bring about crises and revolutions. But this is exactly what they want!

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Half Of US Debt Is Owed to Fed

by Henry Makow
Published: Dec. 01, 2009 –

Chelsea Clinton’s engagement today to Jewish banker  Marc Mezvinsky, who works for Goldman Sachs, is another reminder that America is ruled by the Illuminati clan, joined by marriage, money and love of Lucifer.

The source of their power is the Fed which has pilfered the US government’s credit card and used it to buy politicians and everything else worth owning, creating trillions in tax payer debt.

That money Ben Bernanke is throwing from the helicopter cost the Fed owners pennies but they expect the US taxpayer to refund face value. To be specific, the US National Debt is expected to reach $13 Trillion this year. That’s about $44,000 for every man, woman and child in the US.

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