War for the People, Profit for the Bankers

The Federal Reserve was set up in 1913 to finance both sides of two subsequent world wars. In other words, these wars were funded by the credit of the US taxpayer. Apart from profiting from it , the Illuminati bankers use war to enslave us with debt, enact social change and consolidate their power .

by Hamad Subani
Published: Jan. 11, 2011 – HenryMakow.com

(Excerpt from “The Federal Reserve as an Instrument of War” )

The Federal Reserve has helped underwrite continued American military expenditures, even after the World Wars. As of 2009, “Defense” accounts for 23% of all American Federal spending. And therefore, the gargantuan size of the American Federal debt is related to the continuation of American military interventions abroad.

If we assume that such systems are primarily instruments of war, can we also infer that the World Wars could have been prevented in their absence.

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Documentary – Banking with Hitler

The US Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, began investigating Nazi finances 60 years ago and found Allied banks, including many British and American high street names, who continued to do business with Hitler’s Germany throughout the war.



Money Elites

VIDEO – Interview: Professor Antony Sutton: Wall Street & the rise of Hitler

How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power

FREE BOOK ONLINE – Antony C. Sutton: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler – 1975 (pdf.)

Prof. Antony Sutton Lecture (1976)

Money Elites

by Alfred Mendes
Published: Spectrezine

The Bilderberg Group was formed in 1954 out of the need of corporate America to ensure cohesion of purpose on the part of its European partners in the recently formed North Atlantic Alliance (NATO) – the twin aim being to facilitate the flow of American capital into the region, and to bring Germany into the Alliance (against, it should be noted, the wishes of many of the USA’s partners). That it is a group endowed with enormous political clout can be attested to by both an examination of the lists of committee members and conference attendees over the years – together with the gravity and importance of the subjects discussed at these conferences (NATO, understandably, being repeatedly a key subject); and the fact that these conferences take place under very strict security cover supplied by the respective host countries – even though implicit within the structure of this cabal is its unaccountable, secretive nature.

The Trilateral Commission was formed in 1973, its agenda determined by the corporate-funded Brookings Institute and the Kettering Foundation – with not a little help from David Rockefeller of the Chase-Manhattan Bank. That its projected formation should have been so enthusiastically acclaimed by the Bilderberg Conference in Knokke, Belgium in 1972 should cause no surprise. Both corporate-controlled organisations, with linked membership, they shared the same aim: increasing the globalisation of their wealth and power. Certainly, the Bilderberg with its total lack of any democratic accountability, must be in agreement with the Trilateral Commission’s declaration (published in their The crisis of Democracy) that what the West needs most ‘is a greater degree of moderation in democracy’.

An examination of the list of bankers involved in these bodies reveals that, of the banking organisations, the Banks for International Settlements (BIS) is the one of prime importance on the international scene – not only because of its prestigious membership (embracing as it does the head bankers of the leading industrial nations) – but also because of the significance of its links with other groups. This article will focus on it, at the expense of the other better-known banking institutions, for two reasons: its prime ranking in the international hierarchy; and  the fact that so little knowledge of it is in the public domain.

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Will Globalists Trigger Yet Another World War (With Video)

by Giordano Bruno
Published: Jan. 08, 2010 – NeitherCorp Press

World War III is the most iconic event in American culture that never happened. Since the early 1950’s, generations have been preparing for it, writing books about it, producing films and fictional accounts on it, and even playing video games based on it. The concept of another world war is so ingrained into our popular consciousness that it has become almost mythological. It is a legend, a fantasy story of something far away and incomprehensible, often associated with Tim Lahaye novels and action adventure narratives of religious prophecy and Armageddon. World War III has become “entertainment.”

The cartoon-ization of a “last great global conflict” is due to a natural tendency of human beings to cope with terrifying ideas, often by intellectually trivializing them, and thereby making them easily digestible, much like the proverbial public speaking tactic of imagining the audience with their clothes off.

The problem with this development in our society is that it causes us to become cynical to the point of idiocy when confronted with very real threats. By convincing ourselves that such an event is an impossibility we leave ourselves unguarded and without a conceptual point of reference, because we have not thought about the scenario in a practical levelheaded manner. This is akin to a man who has never even considered the likelihood of being mugged on the street, versus a man who has trained in self defense for just such a situation. When the event occurs, the two men will have totally different psychological reactions; the first man utterly surprised and out of his element with little to no constructive response, and the latter man far less mentally phased and thus more likely to survive.

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Prof. Antony Sutton Lecture (1976)

part 1/5

part 2/5

part 3/5

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Related (by Prof Antony Sutton):

VIDEO – Interview – Professor Antony Sutton on the Skull and Bones secret society

FREE BOOK ONLINE – Antony C. Sutton: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler – 1975 (pdf.)

FREE BOOK ONLINE – Antony C. Sutton – Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (pdf .)

FREE BOOK ONLINE: Antony C. Sutton – Trilaterals Over America (pdf.)

INTERVIEW: Professor Antony Sutton: Wall Street & the rise of Hitler