VIDEO – Sex, Lies, Iran, Israel and WikiLeaks

by Anthony Lawson
Published: Dec. 13, 2010 – Dissident Voice

WikiLeaks has given the mainstream media yet another opportunity to vilify Iran. A typical headline, from the New York Times was: “Around the world distress over Iran.” And, ironically, it is true, but not in the way the headline writer meant.

Around the world there is distress over Iran, distress at the way it is being cast in the role of the Evil Doer, when all but the most ignorant observers realise that it is nuclear-armed Apartheid Israel that is the real threat to world peace, not Iran.




Patriot Act for Internet ahead?

Wikileaks – A Big, Dangerous US Government Con Job

DOCUMENTARY – Secret WMD in Israel (44 mins.)

Israeli Nuclear Weapons and Western Hypocrisy

VIDEO – Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal

DOCUMENTARY – IRAN is not the problem (2008)

Israel’s plans to Wage Nuclear War on Iran: History of Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal

World War 3 (Iran-sanctions or attack) Scenario By Webster Tarpley



Have a Nice World War, Folks

VIDEO – Chossudovsky: US will start WW3 by attacking Iran

Will Globalists Trigger Yet Another World War (With Video)

Pawns in the Game: A Satanic conspiracy to control the world

Iran War – Scenarios

Never Mind the Facts, Let’s Have a War

DOCUMENTARY – IRAN is not the problem (2008)

The lying game: how we are prepared for another war of aggression

Another War in the Works: America Is Led And Informed By Liars

Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 3 New World Order military plans

Part 1 – The link to the New World Order

Part 2 – The Satanic New World Order

by Peter Eyre
Published: Apr. 8, 2010 – Pal Telegraph

In my previous article I touched base on the historical plans of the New World Order and how they hoped to encircle the world during the “Cold War” years. This article will explain that plan and how in more modern times they are going down the same road again. The first plan failed but will this second surge allow them to re establish their authority in trying to create a one world power.

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Global Elite Desperate as Their Plans for World Government Are Exposed and Hampered – So They Want War With Iran Now

SEE THIS VIDEO from the 7:50 min. Mark: A Moderator of the primary Irish TV, the RTE, is asked why this TV station neglected its duty to inform about the Trilateral Commission Meeting in Dublin. The conspiracy of the media is being shouted to the sky by the moderator´s reaction: He turns desperate!!

by Anders
Published: May 20, 2010 –

Summary: Suddenly, it appears that the elite behind the New World Order and the one-world government feel greatly annoyed by bloggers who, unlike the MSM, that the elite control,  have revealed their conspiracy for a world government – so they are now blaming/giving credit on/to them for the fact that we have not already long ago had their corporate world government introduced, even calling these opponents something as nasty as nationalistic! Adviser to five U.S. presidents,  New World Order strategist and co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski, in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, sees two reasons for world government not to have been created: 1. For the first time in history,  the peoples of the world have  become politically awakened and aware of the elite´s  conspiracy at their expense – and the peoples are stirring! (eg. the U.S. Tea parties) 2. There is no longer a homogeneous (Rothschild / Rockefeller-dominated) clique in the G20 after China and India appeared there. But there should be a small closed group to lead the world, says Brzezinski – and the UN with its 179 countries are said to be unsuitable to control the world – is just their dispatch office. Brzezinski’s brain child, the Trilateral Commission, has just held its annual meeting in Dublin. Here a Russian participant was mistakenn about his interlocutor and told him that they were about to decide the future of the world and that they wanted to get rid of the cumbersome Iranian government through a war now. Just now there is a report that US has started a massive military build-up opposite Iran. Others revealed a severe frustration at their vision of world government that they and their twins, the Bilderberg Group, had promised each other by 2000 not having been implemented.  :

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Chossudovsky: US will start WW3 by attacking Iran



DOCUMENTARY – IRAN is not the problem (2008)

Iran War – Scenarios

Never Mind the Facts, Let’s Have a War

Israeli Nuclear Weapons and Western Hypocrisy

The lying game: how we are prepared for another war of aggression

Another War in the Works: America Is Led And Informed By Liars

VIDEO – Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal

Blair’s Monstrous Consistency

by Daniel Larison
Published: Jan. 30, 2010 – The American Conservative

But the failure to achieve a second, explicit, U.N. resolution was a political problem, not a legal obstacle. Few of the anti-war movement care to recall that the Kosovan War was, if anything, predicated upon a flimsier legal case than the Iraqi intervention. ~Alex Massie

One of the reasons why I keep revisiting the illegality and immorality of the intervention in Kosovo long after most people have forgotten about it is precisely because so many opponents of the Iraq war don’t want to acknowledge that Kosovo was every bit as unjustifiable and wrong as Iraq was. By endorsing the war in Kosovo even now, as Obama did again in Oslo, many opponents of the Iraq war have opened themselves up to the attack that Iraq hawks were using from the beginning. If someone pointed out that invading Iraq would violate international law and not have U.N. sanction, the hawks would throw the precedent of Kosovo in his face. Unless he was a principled progressive or antiwar conservative, the opponent of the invasion was always at a loss to respond. If invading Iraq was based on phony or exaggerated intelligence about WMDs, Kosovo was based on lies about preventing genocide and protecting human rights. Unless you are among the fairly small percentage that opposed both, the odds are that you are outraged over invading Iraq in inverse proportion to how outraged you were over bombing Serbia.

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