Drones: Obama’s Invisible War

In the midst of a crisis which has in recent weeks created a political chasm between Russia and the United States, there is an ongoing carnage in the name of combating terrorism against Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Somalia.

by Dr. Ismail Salami

Global Research | May 05, 2014

The story of the CIA-led killer drones which are killing women and children on a daily basis is a tale accorded inexcusably scant attention in media. Indeed it is being ignored.

Just recently, the US director of national intelligence James Clapper ordered US senators to remove a provision from a major intelligence bill that would require the president to publicize information about drone strikes and their victims.

The bill originally required the president to release a yearly report clarifying the total number of “combatants” and “noncombatant civilians” killed or injured by drone strikes in the previous year.

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The Obscenity of War in a World of Need and Suffering

by Adnan Al-Daini

Dissident Voice / April 19th, 2014

A study by professor Linda J. Blimes of Harvard University concludes that the cost to the US of the Iraq and Afghan wars, taken together, will be between $4 and $6 trillion. This includes long-term medical care and disability compensation for service members, veterans and families, military replenishment and social and economic costs. The cost so far is $2 trillion.

In order to get our head round the colossal figure of $6 trillion, this is equivalent to $75,000 for every household in the US. Deaths of Iraqis and Afghans taken together are estimated from 600,000 to a million, coalition troop deaths around 8,000, over 7,000 of whom are Americans. The suffering and the sheer misery of widows, orphans and families behind these statistics are unimaginable.

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MALI – France Fights for Rothschild Gold

FRENCH TROOPS IN MALI – After six days of aerial attacks, on January 16, 2013, French troops began to engage the Islamist rebels whose advances to the south are threatening to overthrow the unelected military regime – and the Rothschild-owned gold mines.

by Christopher Bollyn
Published: Jan. 19, 2013 – bollyn.com

The real reason for the French military intervention in Mali is to protect the foreign-owned gold mining operations, which produce hundreds of thousands of ounces of gold for the owners per year.

MALI IS ‘GOLD COUNTRY’ – Foreign investors profit from the gold of Mali while its people wallow in poverty.  Nine out of ten people in Mali live in dire poverty and 72 percent of the population survives on less than a dollar a day.  Ninety percent of the Malian population is Muslim. 

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America’s “worst enemy”

The Latest Orchestrated Threat and The End of History

by Paul Craig Roberts
Published: Sep. 27, 2011 – Information Clearing House

Have you ever before heard of the Haqqanis? I didn’t think so. Like Al Qaeda, about which no one had ever heard prior to 9/11, the “Haqqani Network” has popped up in time of need to justify America’s next war–Pakistan.

President Obama’s claim that he had Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden exterminated deflated the threat from that long-serving bogyman. A terror organization that left its leader, unarmed and undefended, a sitting duck for assassination no longer seemed formidable. Time for a new, more threatening, bogyman, the pursuit of which will keep the “war on terror” going.

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Unending “9/11s”: “A Sad Kind of Freedom.”

“You love your country
as the nearest, most precious thing to you.
But one day, for example,
they may endorse it over to America,
and you, too, with your great freedom –
you have the freedom to become an air-base.”
From: “A Sad Kind Of Freedom”, by Nazim Hickmet (1902-1963) courtesy Rick Rozoff, Stop NATO*


by Felicity Arbuthnot
Published: Sep. 11, 2011 – Global Research

It is instructive to look at the plethora of 9/11, tenth anniversary pullouts in newspapers, to note the commemorative programmes, interviews, memories. The heartbreak, broken and lost lives: the ten year old, now twenty, who realized, horror struck, that her father was in the building she watched flaming and falling, on television.

There are spreads of other ten years olds, children unborn when their pregnant mother was widowed, by a terrible atrocity, on a sunlit day, in a city turned dark by smoke and ash. Pregnant survivors, say “experts”, passed their trauma to their children, we learn.

“Share your memories of 9/11 ten years on”, invite newspapers

Photographers have recalled: “the day of horror.”

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FedEx and Pepsi Are Top Defense Contractors? 5 Corporate Brands Making a Killing on America’s Wars

Learn which “civilian” companies are making big bucks on today’s wars.

by Nick Turse
Published: Sep. 05, 2011 – AlterNet

Chances are, if you’ve ever sent a package overnight, bought a PC or a can of soda, you’ve paid your hard-earned money to a major Pentagon contractor. While large defense corporations that make fighter jets and armored vehicles garner the most attention, tens of thousands of “civilian” companies, from multi-national corporations hawking toothpaste and shampoo to big oil behemoths and even local restaurants scattered across the United States, all supply the Pentagon with the necessities used to carry on day-to-day operations and wage America’s wars. And they’ve made a killing doing it since 9/11.

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Drone Terrorism

by Ghali Hassan
Published: Aug. 06, 2011 – Axis of Logic

The use of unmanned drones by the U.S. to attack civilian population with Hellfire missiles is a form of state terrorism. It is designed not to assassinate individuals (extrajudicial killing), but to instil fear and terrorise the entire population.

We all know the U.S.-led war on Afghanistan is an illegal act of aggression, and there are no legal or legitimate grounds to justify the ongoing aggression. According to countless international law experts, the war on Afghanistan is an unlawful act of aggression. It “violates[s] international law and the express words of the United Nations Charter”. Article 51 only “gives a state the right to repel an attack that is ongoing or imminent as a temporary measure until the UN Security Council can take steps necessary for international peace and security”, he added. [1]. Indeed, all current U.S.-led wars on Muslim nations are acts of illegal aggression against sovereign nations. The use of armed drones, also known as pilotless planes or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), to attack defenceless people and assassinate individuals is criminal.

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A 21-Truth Salute to Activists and the Alternative Media: The Journey From Conspiracy Theory to Conspiracy Fact

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.  Martin Luther King, Strength to Love

Published: Aug. 02, 2011 – Activist Postwith contributions from Zen Gardner

Our media is mired in cynicism, regardless of the label of mainstream or alternative.  Sadly, it is what seems to drive the news.  People flock to the latest disaster, scenario of hopelessness, or individual story that proves things can get so much worse for us . . . personally.  The media preys on our instinct of self-preservation, rather than promote this instinct as an example of what drives us toward self-empowerment.

We’d like to present an overview of issues demonstrating that all is not lost.  Just the opposite, in fact.  The powers-that-be have admitted that they are scrambling for purchase amid humanity’s global awakening. This new knowledge has led to an increasing number of people being exposed to alternative information that questions the official version of events, and the underlying secret mechanisms of control.  

This worldwide wake-up call has led to a great many conspiracy theories becoming conspiracy facts.  The only thing left for these agents of darkness to do now is spin the information that has been uncovered.  Let’s continue to keep in mind that if their overall intentions are as benevolent as they suggest, then why did it require investigation and research to dig them up as though the planet was one big crime scene?

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American (Real) Exceptionalism

A majority of Americans believe America is an “exceptional” nation and “a shining beacon of democracy and hope to a dark world”. But, reliable and unbiased evidence shows that real America is an unequal society, oppressive, undemocratic and a violent imperialist power.

by Ghali Hassan
Published: Jul. 20, 2011 – Axis of Logic

Inequality and Poverty

A report released on 20 October 2008 by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) revealed that the U.S. has “the highest inequality level and poverty rate across the OECD, Mexico and Turkey excepted. Since 2000, income inequality has increased rapidly, continuing a long-term trend that goes back to the 1970s”. All Western Europe’s OECD states, along with Japan, South Korea, Canada and Australia have recorded better figures than the U.S., as did central and eastern European states, including Poland and Hungary. [1].

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The “War On Terror” Is A $6 Trillion Racket, Exceeding The Total Cost Of World War II

by David DeGraw
First Published: Jul. 06, 2011 – Amped Status Report

When Obama launched his re-election propaganda campaign to trick the American public into thinking that he intends to end the Af-Pak War, he said that the “War on Terror” has cost $1 trillion over the past decade. While that is a staggering amount of money, he was being deceitful once again.

As you may have heard, a newly released study by the Eisenhower Research Project at Brown University revealed that the cost of the War on Terror is significantly greater than Obama has said. The little passing coverage the study received in the mainstream press cited $3.7 trillion as the total cost, which was the most conservative estimate. The moderate estimate, which the mainstream media ignored, was $4.4 trillion. In addition, interest payments on these costs will most likely exceed $1 trillion, which brings the total cost up to at least $5.4 trillion. The report also states that the following costs are not even included in this total:

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The Elite, the ‘Great Game’ and World War III

by Prof. Mujahid Kamran
First Published: Jun. 2011 – New Dawn Special Issue 16

The control of the US, and of global politics, by the wealthiest families of the planet is exercised in a powerful, profound and clandestine manner. This control began in Europe and has a continuity that can be traced back to the time when the bankers discovered it was more profitable to give loans to governments than to needy individuals.

These banking families and their subservient beneficiaries have come to own most major businesses over the two centuries during which they have secretly and increasingly organised themselves as controllers of governments worldwide and as arbiters of war and peace.

Unless we understand this we will be unable to understand the real reasons for the two world wars and the impending Third World War, a war that is almost certain to begin as a consequence of the US attempt to seize and control Central Asia. The only way out is for the US to back off – something the people of the US and the world want, but the elite does not.

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Breaking News – Barack Obama Is Dead

“We Got Him!”

What If You Read This Headline?

American War Criminal Barack Obama has been killed by Pakistani security forces in the UK, Prime Minister Hasan Abdullah of Pakistan has said.

by Fahad Ansari
Published: May 10, 2011 – Information Clearing House

American War Criminal Barack Obama has been killed by Pakistani security forces in the UK, Prime Minister Hasan Abdullah of Pakistan has said.

Obama was shot dead at a compound near Camberley, in a ground operation based on Pakistani intelligence, the first lead for which emerged last August.

Mr Abdullah said Pakistan forces took possession of the body after “a firefight”.

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Bin Laden Hoax to Expand War

Globalist think-tanks are already building a case against Pakistan

by Tony Cartalucci
Published: May 02, 2011 – Land Destroyer Report

Bangkok, Thailand May 3, 2011 – Foundation for the Defense of Democracy (FDD) scribe and all around intellectually dishonest propagandist, Bill Roggio of the “Long War Journal,” has dedicated his life to perpetuating the entirely fake “War on Terror,” abandoning all objectivity with the very name of his now officially government funded, Neo-Conservative establishment affiliated blog. The term “Long War” of course is a throwback to the Bush era and constant reassurances by the president that indeed the “War on Terror” will be endless.

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Osama bin Laden’s Second Death

by Paul Craig Roberts
Published: May 02, 2011 – Global Research

If today were April 1 and not May 2, we could dismiss as an April fool’s joke this morning’s headline that Osama bin Laden was killed in a firefight in Pakistan and quickly buried at sea. As it is, we must take it as more evidence that the US government has unlimited belief in the gullibility of Americans.

Think about it. What are the chances that a person allegedly suffering from kidney disease and requiring dialysis and, in addition, afflicted with diabetes and low blood pressure, survived in mountain hideaways for a decade? If bin Laden was able to acquire dialysis equipment and medical care that his condition required, would not the shipment of dialysis equipment point to his location? Why did it take ten years to find him?

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Osama Bin Laden Pronounced Dead…For the Ninth Time (With Videos)

by James Corbett
Published: May 02, 2011 – Activist Post

When Obama pronounced Osama Bin Laden dead in a televised announcement heard round the world last night, he was at least the ninth major head of state or high-ranking government official to have done so.
Given Bin Laden’s documented kidney problems and consequent need for dialysis, government officials, heads of state and counterterrorism experts have repeatedly opined that Osama Bin Laden has in fact been dead for some time. These assertions are based on Bin Laden’s failing health in late 2001 and visible signs of his deteriorating condition, as well as actual reports of his death from the same time frame.
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Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist

by James Corbett
Published: Oct. 26, 2009 – The Corbett Report

The film documentary Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist interrogates the notion that Osama Bin Laden single-handedly runs the pervasive Al Qaeda terrorist network by examining its inception, its links to Western intelligence, the double agents and fictitious characters that populate its ranks, and the fraudulent ways the Al Qaeda myth is propagated in the controlled corporate media. The documentary also offers ways that citizens can become involved in helping to spread understanding about the true government-sponsored terror paradigm.

Part 1/4

Part 2/4

Part 3/4

Part 4/4

Source: http://www.alqaedadoesntexist.com/



Who Is Osama Bin Laden?

Al Qaeda – The Invented Hydra for the New World Order´s False Flag Operations

Has Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years – and are the U.S. and Britain covering it up to continue war on terror?

The Terror Card: Fear is the Key to Obedience

How the U.S. Invented ‘al Qaeda’! (With Videos)

War on Terror is a Fraud

US drones killed 957 Pakistani civilians in 2010

Published: Apr. 14, 2011- The Irish Sun

A total of 957 Pakistani civilians were killed in American drone attacks in the country 2010, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said in its annual report Thursday.

The report that focused on human rights violations in the country also laid an emphasis on terror attacks in 2010, according to Xinhua.

It said terrorist attacks in Pakistan left 2,542 people dead and 5,062 others injured in 2010.

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Incalculable: The human cost of NATO’s war on Afghanistan

by Kathy Kelly
Published: Mar. 06, 2011 – Pulse Media

Recent polls suggest that while a majority of U.S. people disapprove of the war in Afghanistan, many on grounds of its horrible economic cost, only 3% took the war into account when voting in the 2010 midterm elections. The issue of the economy weighed heavily on voters, but the war and its cost, though clear to them and clearly related to the economy in their thinking, was a far less pressing concern.

U.S. people, if they do read or hear of it, may be shocked at the apparent unconcern of the crews of two U.S. helicopter gunships, which attacked and killed nine children on a mountainside in Afghanistan’s Kunar province, shooting them “one after another” this past Tuesday March 1st. (“The helicopters hovered over us, scanned us and we saw a green flash from the helicopters. Then they flew back high up, and in a second round they hovered over us and started shooting.” (NYT 3/2/11)).

Four of the boys were seven years old; three were eight, one was nine and the oldest was twelve. “The children were gathering wood under a tree in the mountains near a village in the district,” said Noorullah Noori, a member of the local development council in Manogai district. “I myself was involved in the burial,” Noori said. “Yesterday we buried them.” (AP, March 2, 2011) General Petraeus has acknowledged, and apologized for, the tragedy.

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The Rise and Rise of Super Fascism

by Ghali Hassan
Published: Dec. 25, 2010 – Axis of Logic

Mention fascism and most peoples’ minds turn to Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Franco’s Spain, Salazar’s Portugal, Japanese Fascism, Papadopoulos’ Greece and South Africa’s Apartheid regime. However, most people are blissfully unaware of a rising form of fascism, more virulent than all past fascist regimes combined. Its aim is to subjugate the entire planet and its resources to U.S. corporate interests.

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War on Terror is a Fraud

by Prof. Akhbar Navees
Published: Nov. 30, 2010 – PakPotPourri

The US today is, temporarily, the world’s foremost power. It is a country whose people are blessed with wonderful qualities of the head and heart. They are honest, hardworking problem solvers, large-hearted, decent and deeply innocent. The emergence of the US as a power with the greatest ever reaches in human history is the result of a conscious and sustained effort on the part of Washington to make America a great power.

Central to this nation-building process was the key emphasis on cultivating and creating knowledge of nature, and of the high-level of integrity and commitment of the average American. However, the evolution of the US Public State, as a genuine democracy with the ability to unify mankind on a broad basis, has been derailed consistently, and perhaps irreversibly, by corporate cliques that have taken the US on the path of global conquest and exploitation of the poor but resource-rich countries. This path will eventually lead to USA’s defeat, beginning in Central Asia, and its rapid and bloody decline in a decade or two, unless, of course, the Americans can bring to book those criminal cabals which currently control, chain and exploit this great nation.

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