Half Of US Debt Is Owed to Fed

by Henry Makow
Published: Dec. 01, 2009 – HenryMakow.com

Chelsea Clinton’s engagement today to Jewish banker  Marc Mezvinsky, who works for Goldman Sachs, is another reminder that America is ruled by the Illuminati clan, joined by marriage, money and love of Lucifer.

The source of their power is the Fed which has pilfered the US government’s credit card and used it to buy politicians and everything else worth owning, creating trillions in tax payer debt.

That money Ben Bernanke is throwing from the helicopter cost the Fed owners pennies but they expect the US taxpayer to refund face value. To be specific, the US National Debt is expected to reach $13 Trillion this year. That’s about $44,000 for every man, woman and child in the US.

Almost six Trillion will be owed to the private Illuminati families who own the banks that own the Fed. For fiscal 2009, US taxpayers will cough up $380 Billion in interest, half of that to the Fed. By 2019, the cost of servicing the debt is expected to reach more than $700 Billion annually.

As you all know, billions were paid to these banks during the “credit crunch” so that they may now reward their lackeys with humongous bonuses. But as Goldman Sachs CEO, Lloyd Blankfein said, they “are doing God’s work.”  Unfortunately, their God is Lucifer.


Ben Shalom Bernanke has warned Congress not to interfere with the Fed’s “independence.” In a veiled threat, he said it would “seriously impair the prospects for economic and financial stability in the United States.” 

This is a reminder that the US is the Illuminati’s bitch, and should not get any other ideas, such as abolishing the Fed altogether and with it, six Trillion dollars in debt which they created out of thin air.

The American government is quite capable of accessing its own credit and creating its own currency.

The Illuminati bankers must be pleased with their investment in Barack Obama. The Federal government spent $3.5 Trillion during his first year in office, far exceeding any other first-year President. Of that $1.4 Trillion is deficit, and half of that is owed to guess whom.

The other half of the US debt is owed to countries like China, Russia, UK and Japan, oil producing countries, states, offshore banks, pension funds, insurance companies and mutual funds.


If its any comfort, in relation, the US is the world’s 20th largest debtor in proportion to GNP. In other words, the same Illuminati families have their teeth into many other countries.

For example, the US deficit is estimated to be 94% of GDP. In Germany it’s 178% ($63K per person); France is 236% (78K per person); and UK and Switzerland are %40% and 422% respectively ( $140K & $176 K per person.)

So you see, the Illuminati bankers have limitless wealth and all they lack is unlimited power, a problem which “world government” will address. Then, no Congress will even attempt the charade of challenging the Fed’s “independence.”

Source: http://www.henrymakow.com/half_of_us_debt_is_owed_to_fed.html



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4 Comments on “Half Of US Debt Is Owed to Fed”

  1. […] Half Of US Debt Is Owed to Fed « NWO Observer The source of their power is the Fed which has pilfered the US government’s credit card and used it to buy politicians and everything else worth owning, creating trillions in tax payer debt. That money Ben Bernanke is throwing from the .. Here is the original post:  Half Of US Debt Is Owed to Fed « NWO Observer […]

  2. […] Half Of US Debt Is Owed to Fed […]

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