Bilderberg 2011:”Elitist One World Ltd. – Global Network of Giant Cartells, More Powerful than Any Nation, to Control Mankind´s Necessities of Life and Numbers Through Bloody Wars”

by Anders
Published: Jun. 24, 2011 –

The Bilderberg meeetings are held 2-3 days every year – for one reason: to create a corporate world government to enslave mankind. This year, the elitist bankers, their politician and corporate henchmen and a few journalists met at St. Moritz, Switzerland on 9-10 June – all sworn in to keep silent about the matters discussed. However the Bilderberg hunters Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin have reliable moles inside the meeting – so that important points always seep out. This year war was on the program. The elitists want a big an bloody war in the Middle East – just sparing Israel. Syria and Iran are being targeted – but another story is how  NATO can manage such a big war considering all the failures in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya etc.Invasion of Libya and intervention in Syria are reported to be in the planning. Why? Jim Tucker,  said the elite believe the world is over-populated and that war represents a partial solution. “They are unified on their war project,” said Tucker, citing his Trilateralist-Bilderberg source. They think “ they have to limit the population growth, the one way to do it is with our wars. They have been emphasizing that all day.” So, they had invited both NATO´s Secretary-General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Serving US Minister of Defence, Robert Gates. The elitists are concerned about the increasing opposition in the US Congress against endless wars for the elitist dreams – and so the elite is determined to act soon – before the opposition becomes too strong. So, they want US to stay in Iraq. “When you think of Iraq, think big,” one US Bilderberger remarked during the discussion, suggesting that the country will merely be used as a launch pad for a wider regional war that will “include every nation in the Middle East except for Israel.”

Also the alternative media are of great concern to the elite. So they are now legislating on copy rights – meaning they will crack down on any blogger who has infringed slightly on copy rights with some photo – have such blogs stamped as criminal and have them excluded from searching machines like Google.  Their purpose is to have people filled with elitist MSM´s war propaganda, climate lies etc. LulzSec and Anonymous are paving the way, probably  in cooperation with the US government, which now declare their hacking a main reason for control of the internet.

Of Course,  several  EU Commissioners and ECB boss, Trichet, had also been invited – as well as Robert Zoellick, the World Bank boss.
Greece was debated – and so was the abolition of the euro. A crisis is never to go to waste. That´s why these banksters created it in the first place: They scored lots of our tax payer money on their financial crisis – and now want to capitalize politically on it, too.  EU officials were discussing the need for the EU to undertake a “massive power grab” in the face of the massive economic crisis facing Europe and indeed the world. Without such a power grab, the euro and indeed the Union itself would likely collapse; a scenario anathema to everything the Bilderberg group has tried to achieve in its 57-year history. The aim, put simply, would be to have the EU police the nations of the Union, with the ability to punish nations for not following the rules, and as one Bilderberger reportedly stated at the meeting, “What we are heading towards is a form of real economic government.” Prior to the meeting, European Central Bank President, Jean-Claude Trichet, “said governments should consider setting up a finance ministry for the 17-nation currency region as the bloc struggles to contain a region-wide sovereign debt crisis.”

Just as the Greek crisis has stepped up calls for the formation of a ‘European economic government,’ an idea which has been sought out for much longer than Greece has been in crisis, so too is the global economic crisis an excuse to advance the cause of ‘global economic governance.’ Outgoing Managing Director of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, stated in May of 2010 that “crisis is an opportunity,” and he called for “a new global currency issued by a global central bank, with robust governance and institutional features,” and that the “global central bank could also serve as a lender of last resort.”
But Rothschild´s Bank for International Settlements (BIS) remains as the true authority in terms of ‘global governance’ overall. As the IMF’s magazine, Finance and Development, stated in 2009, “the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), established in 1930, is the central and the oldest focal point for coordination of global governance arrangements.”

Bilderberg is a medium of bringing together financial institutions which are the world´s most powerful and most predatory financial interests, the worst enemy of humanity. The idea behind each and every Bilderberg meeting is for an aristocracy of the purpose to …. manage the planet. In other words, the creation of a global network of giant cartels, more powerful than any nation on Earth, destined to control the necessities of life of the rest of humanity. The Bilderberg Group is the means to a future One World Company Limited. This organization has grown beyond its secretive beginnings to become a key nod in the decision making of the elite. The ultimate goal of this nightmare future is to transform Earth into a prison planet by bringing about a single globalised marketplace, controlled by One World Company, financially regulated by a World Bank, and populated by a dumbed down population whose life´s needs will be stripped down to materialism and survival – work, buy, sex, sleep – all connected to a global computer that monitors our every move. And it is becoming easier because of…. new methods of behavior engineering to manipulate individual conduct. Each new measure viewed on its own may seem an aberration, but a whole host of changes, as part of an ongoing continuum, constitutes a shift towards total enslavement. (Daniel Estulin 14 June 2011 (Domas Jefferson)

I have previously written about the Bilderbergers and here and here and here and here and their meetings and here

List of attendees to the Bilderberg meeting in Switzerland, 9–10 June 2011.   Infowars reporters Aaron Dykes and Paul Joseph Watson have received confirmation from an inside source that five other influential people who were not named on the official attendee list are in attendance at the Bilderberg conference 2011.

Those names are…   Anders Rasmussen – current Secretary General of NATO, Angela Merkel – German Chancellor, Jose Luis Zapatero – Spanish Prime Minister, Bill Gates – Former Microsoft CEO, Georgia_guidestonesHead of the Gates Foundation, Robert Gates – Serving US Secretary of Defense.

Infowars 10 June 2011: The long time Bilderberg sleuth, Jim Tucker,  said the elite believe the world is over-populated and war represents a partial solution. “They are unified on their war project,” said Tucker, citing his Trilateralist-Bilderberg source, they think “the world is too crowded anyway, they have to limit the population growth, the one way to do it is with our wars. They have been emphasizing that all day.”
The elite are outraged at the presence of activists outside the gates of the exclusive resort where they are cloistered in St. Moritz, Switzerland, Tucker said
. Left: The 1. commandment of the elitist Georgia Guidestones is to keep mankind below 500. mio. people.

Prison Planet 17 June 2011Most Bilderberg members see a US exit from Iraq as an implausible scenario, suggesting that a media spectacle may be generated around troops pulling out, but that a significant residual force will be left firmly in place. Numerous military bases and thousands of private security guards and mercenaries will remain in Iraq whether US troops are pulled out or not.
“When you think of Iraq, think big,” one US Bilderberger remarked during the discussion, suggesting that the country will merely be used as a launch pad for a wider regional war that will “include every nation in the Middle East except for Israel.”

As we have documented in recent days, in line with Jim Tucker’s sources who told him that the attack on Libya will be intensified, US ground troops are being readied to invade in October, while US warships are also being moved to the Mediterranean coast of Syria in preparation for an intervention. Quite how the Obama administration plans to pay for this vast expansion of the empire is a mystery given the fact that the United States is on the brink of losing its triple A credit status because of its inability to service its own gigantic debt. Barack Obama swept to power on the promise that he would “immediately” withdraw troops from Iraq.

As Jim Tucker reported in 2002, it was Bilderberg that made the decision to delay the attack on Iraq until 2003 when the vast majority of military analysts were sure that the bombardment would begin in the late summer or fall of 2002.

Infowars 16 June 2011: Last week in St. Moritz, Switzerland, inside sources at the Bilderberg meeting revealed that the globalists are working to spread the war throughout the region. The elite want a “big bloody war in the Middle East, which will involve every country except Israel, which is being protected,” veteran Bilderberg hunter Jim Tucker told Alex Jones on June 9. A large war, he noted, will work toward the effort by the elite to drive up oil prices and put further economic pressure on a dwindling middle class in America.
In another development pointing toward expanded war, on Thursday the Pentagon moved warships on the Mediterrenean coast of Syria. According to Bilderberg insiders, escalating gas and oil prices will ultimately move the American people into a position of supporting wars in the Middle East where much of the world’s oil is produced.

Bilderberg insiders revealed last week that the global elite are concerned about mounting congressional opposition to endless wars and they fear steps may be taken to roll back military action in the region. The CIA plan to expand the war into Yemen and ultimately into Somalia and Africa reveal a brazen attempt to buck the growing trend against unconstitutional military acts by Congress. The elite are determined to act before they are hamstrung by lawmakers and the American people.

Despite this prediction, on Wednesday a bipartisan group of House members announced they are filing a lawsuit against Obama for his illegal and unconstitutional end-run around Congress when he approved U.S military action against Libya.
In addition to the expansion of the war on terror – and the debilitating effect it continues to have on the U.S. and global economy – Tucker’s mole revealed last week that the elite are worried Pyramidespilabout the alternative media and its growing impact on the corporate media’s script-read pro-war propaganda.

The global elite realize they must muzzle the alternative media and force the American people back into the corporate media propaganda circuit if they are going to dampen resistance to their plan to gain order of chaos through war and also take down the economy and move to impose a globalist economic scheme with a global currency and high-tech authoritarian police state. The current corporate media obsession with hacking is part of a propaganda effort to convince Americans that an unregulated or internet not controlled and supervised by government is a threat to modern civilization with its power grids and infrastructure networks. The shadowy and mysterious groups LulzSec and Anonymous are at the forefront of this effort to frighten the American people, most who do not understand that such “hacker collectives” do not really pose a serious threat to corporate and government networks, at least not those with adequate security measures in place.
The emerging trend is to restrict internet access under the aegis of copyright law. In the United States, the “Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act” would empower the Department of Justice to shut down, or block access to, websites found to be “dedicated to infringing activities.” This leaves the door open for the government to close down other sites not associated with criminal or perceived criminal activity. In February, the government closed down several websites for linking to copyrighted material, thus establishing a dangerous precedent. The ambiguity of the bill mayRockefeller1-450 frighten off ISPs and hosting services from providing services to any business that may be determined by a government bureaucrat to break copyright law. The bill would also deny search engine access and online credit card and payment services to websites the government claims are “rogue” and criminal.

A raft of cybersecurity legislation is designed to treat offending websites as terrorist enterprises. Slowly but surely, the government, at the behest of the ruling elite who met last week in Switzerland, are tightening the noose around the internet and will soon make the medium untenable for alternative media.

Andrew Gavin Marshall Global Research 16 June 2011: Will Hutton, the former Editor of the Observer, who had been invited to Bilderberg meetings in the past, once famously referred to the group as “the high priests of globalization.” Hutton has said that “people take part in these networks in order to influence the way the world works.” If the Bilderberg Group represents the “high priests of globalization,” then David Rockefeller is the ‘Pope’.  In his 2002 book, Memoirs, David Rockefeller wrote: “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure–one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.[67]

As indicated from leaks of the recent 2011 Bilderberg meeting in Switzerland, the euro-zone is in a major crisis, and Bilderberg members are struggling to keep the house of glass from shattering to pieces. As one major subject  at this year’s meeting, according to Bilderberg investigative journalist, Daniel Estulin (who reportedly has inside sources in the meetings who leak information, which has proved quite accurate in the past) the Bilderberg meeting discussed the situation of Greece, which is likely to only get worse and a possible abandonment of the euro. The problems of Greece, Ireland and the wider global Athens-protestorseconomy as a whole were featured in this year’s discussions.[30] Representatives from Greece this year included George Papaconstantinou, the Greek Minister of Finance, among several bankers and businessmen.[31]

Among the EU power players attending this years meeting was the first President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy, who was appointed as President following an invitation to a private Bilderberg meeting in November of 2009. Van Rompuy, whoBabel-tower-europe-many-tongues-one-voice-150 previously stated that, “2009 is also the first year of global governance,” is no surprise guest at Bilderberg. Other key EU officials who attended this year’s meeting were Joaquín Almunia, a Vice President of the European Commission; Frans van Daele, Chief of Staff to European Council President Van Rompuy; Neelie Kroes, a Vice President of the European Commission; and of course, Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank.[33]

At the recent meeting, EU officials were discussing the need for the EU to undertake amassive power grab in the face of the massive economic crisis facing Europe and indeed the world. Without such a power grab, the euro and indeed the Union itself would likely collapse; a scenario anathema to everything the Bilderberg group has tried to achieve in its 57-year history. The aim, put simply, would be to have the EU police the nations of the Union, with the ability to punish nations for not following the rules, and as one Bilderberger reportedly stated at the meeting, “What we are heading towards a form of real economic government.”[37]. Prior to the meeting, European Central Bank President, Jean-Claude Trichet, “said governments should consider setting up a finance ministry for the 17-nation currency region as the bloc struggles to contain a region-wide sovereign debt crisis.”

Bilderbergers have long been advocates of global governance and ‘global government,and ‘crisis’ is always an excellent means through which to advance their agendas. Just as the Greek crisis has stepped up calls for the formation of a ‘European economic government,’ an idea which has been sought out for much longer than Greece has been in crisis, so too is the global economic crisis an excuse to advance the cause of ‘global economic governance.’ Outgoing Managing Director of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, stated in May of 2010 that, “crisis is an opportunity,” and he called for “a new global currency issued by a global central bank, with robust governance and institutional features,” and that the “global central bank could also serve as a lender of last resort.”

Following the April 2009 G20 summit, “plans were announced for implementing the creation of a new global currency to replace the US dollar’s role as the world reserve currency.” Point 19 of the communiqué released by the G20 at the end of the Summit stated, “We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject $250bn (£170bn) into the world economy and increase global liquidity.” SDRs, or Special Drawing Rights, are “a synthetic paper currency issued by the International Monetary Fund.” As the Telegraph reported, “the G20 leaders are putting a de facto world currency into play. It is outside the control of any sovereign body.”[59] The Washington Post reported that the IMF is poised to transform “into aTrichet-i-cfr-2 veritable United Nations for the global economy”:
It would have vastly expanded authority to act as a global banker to governments rich and poor. While the IMF is pushed to the forefront of the global currency agenda, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)left – remains as the true authority in terms of ‘global governance’ overall. As the IMF’s magazine, Finance and Development, stated in 2009, “the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), established in 1930, is the central and the oldest focal point for coordination of global governance arrangements.”[61]
Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank (ECB) – right below– speaking in the US Council on Foreign Relations, the US corporate government aiming at world governance and long-time Bilderberg participant and Trilateral Commissiner, gave a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in April of 2010 in which he explained that, “the significant transformation of global governance that we are engineering today is illustrated by three examples”: 1. the emergence of the G20 as the prime group for global economic governance at the level of ministers, governors and heads of state or government. 2. the establishment of the Global Economy Meeting of central bank governors under the auspices of the BIS as the prime group for the governance of central bank cooperation. And 3. the extension of Financial Stability Board membership (including Rothschild´s BIS, World bank and the IMF) to include all the systemic emerging market economies. [62].
In Korea,  Trichet identified the BIS and its “various fora” – such as the Global Economy Meeting and the Financial Stability Board – as the “main channel” for central bank cooperation.[64]

This is pure self-proclaimed world government. These people and their henchmen rule the world by means of money. Democracy has been abolished by them a long time ago. They see it as their right as gods / Luciferians to reduce our number according to their sick ideas – and that means bloody big wars, chemtrails, and robbing us through the climate lie . They fear our needs and desires like the plague.




What are Bilderberg Conferences all about?

The Bilderberg Group and the project of European unification

Money Elites

World Governance Architects I: The Influence of the Bilderberg Bankers on the EU and The US Mentioned in the Parliaments

World Governance Architects II. Bilderberg Partners

Bilderberg Van Rompuy the New EU President (With Video)

Rothschilds & Rockefellers: Trillionaires Of The World

How Edmund de Rothschild Managed to Let 179 Governments Pay Him for Grasping Up to 30% of the Earth

The Aim of the Financiers: A One-World Government With a One-World Currency

A New World War for a New World Order

A Rothschild Plan for World Government

The Logic of Imperial Insanity and the Road to World War III

The Elite, the ‘Great Game’ and World War III

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families

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