Breaking News – Barack Obama Is Dead

“We Got Him!”

What If You Read This Headline?

American War Criminal Barack Obama has been killed by Pakistani security forces in the UK, Prime Minister Hasan Abdullah of Pakistan has said.

by Fahad Ansari
Published: May 10, 2011 – Information Clearing House

American War Criminal Barack Obama has been killed by Pakistani security forces in the UK, Prime Minister Hasan Abdullah of Pakistan has said.

Obama was shot dead at a compound near Camberley, in a ground operation based on Pakistani intelligence, the first lead for which emerged last August.

Mr Abdullah said Pakistan forces took possession of the body after “a firefight”.

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10 Reasons Obama is Just As Bad or Worse Than Bush

Published: Apr. 5, 2011 – Activist Post

George W. Bush was clearly a mentally-challenged puppet of the military/banking/oil elite. The policies put it in place at breakneck speed after 9/11 were provably predetermined by think tanks well in advance. Not that other presidents were any less controlled by this hidden agenda, but there was a noticeable in-your-face quickening of corporate-government tyranny under Bush.

These policies like wars of aggression, illegal surveillance of Americans, torture of detainees indefinitely held without formal charges, unfair “free trade” agreements, and bank bailouts rightfully enraged many progressives during the Bush years. Yet, not only have these policies accelerated under Obama, even more of the draconian playbook is unfolding.

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9/11: The Unidentified Murder Weapons

by Anthony Lawson
Published: Oct. 11, 2010 –  




9/11—Mission Accomplished

Who Is Osama Bin Laden?

9-11: The “New Pearl Harbor” of the Zionist War Plan

September 11 Attacks: The Greatest Fraud of the 21st Century

Fifty questions on 9/11

DOCUMENTARY – LOOSE CHANGE (final cut – 130 min.)

DOCUMENTARY – 9/11 Mysteries – Demolitions (90 min.)

Predator Drones: Joking over innocent deaths?



Trivializing War

Decade Of The Drone: America’s Aerial Assassins

Drone surge: Today, tomorrow and 2047

The Rotten Fruits of War: U.S. Drone Attacks over Pakistan

Right-Wing Mad Militarist And His Mindless Murdering Drones

Drone Assassinations Are Only Making Things Worse

Obama uses Blackwater in drone killings

March of the killer robots

The Drones Are Coming: New War on Civilians

The “Gestapo” Revives: Mind Control In US and EU

by Anders
Published: Mar. 29, 2010 –

Summary: A U.S. congressman has had a slip of tongue about Obama’s new health legislation, saying it has taken many years and will still take some time to get the necessary legislation through in order to control people. Behind this is that this legislation requires the implantation of a chip with information abouti.a. individual medical data, to be implanted in everybody, thus enabling the regime to control and influence every one. Obama has recruited 16,500 armed officers to ensure that each rule is observed. Now the Europol has become an EU agency and has been given enlarged and vaguely defined remit to go after heavy internet crimes such as racism, xenophobia, criticism of the EU’s false claims about global warming caused by anthropogenic CO2 emissions. The Europol will take note of people’s behavioural data, including lifestyles and routines, movements, places visited, tax positions, DNA, political, religious or philosophical beliefs, union memberships and data concerning health or sex life. “This reminds creepily about the Gestapo. Nottingham, England, has just undergone a massive police raid on youngsters aged 13-24 years – with nude scanners, etc. to combat knife criminality. British researchers have now developed the nearly perfect lie detector that can read brain currents and thereby study people’s memories – having us all arrested for precrimes not committed. Politicians have explicitly wanted mass immigration to “radically change our societies.” They have certainly done so – and achieved what they wanted: an excuse for a European police state after Gestapo´s pattern.

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Zbigniew Brzezinski: Evil Spirit of 5 US Presidents – And Biggest Threat to World Peace

by Anders
Published: Feb. 07, 2010 –

Summary: There is a man who is more dangerous to mankind than any other living person today. His name is Zbigniew Brzezinski, a CFR-member , Arch-Trilateral Commissionist, Bilderberger. He has been the evil spirit behind 5 US presidents, including Obama – and he is obsessed with but one thought: The US is to dominate a communist one world state. For that purpose, he sees Eurasia as his grand chessboard, where the battle is to be won. Like any chessplayer, he starts by occupupying the centre of the chessboard, Central Asia. He wants peace there, friendly arrangements, in particular with China, if possible, so that he can pursue the goal of his obsession, i.e the purpose of the Trilateral Commission created by him and David Rockefeller: To create a world state by fusing a coming North American Union, at which he is working through the CSIS, the Union for the Mediterranean – and a Far East block which is now being created. His aim is a communist one world state where Russia, which he hates, is subdued by being split into 3 republics in a loose confederation – and if that is not possible – then ultimately even by WW III. He and David Rockefeller are behind the fusion of world religions for peace in the world state. In stead he collaborates with Al Gore and Gorbachev to promote the environmental Gaia religion. In the Agenda 21 state people in the technetronic era will be totally controlled and via artificial intelligence (brain chipping) become posthuman robots. He has worked on selling US infrastructure like harbours, outsourcing US jobs, giving the Panama Canal to the Chinese, selling illegal weapons to the Soviet, Iran, Iraq, Libya. He nurtured the Taliban and Al Qaida and ignored Islamic fundamentalism. Advised by Zbigniew and his son, Ian, Obama is now encircling Russia and China, which has not been so cooperative as wanted by Zbigniew, with anti-ballistic missiles which can also be used to inactivate Russian and Chinese satellites, so as to hinder retaliation after a US first strike against the nuclear arsenals of those countries. Russia knows and is preparing for the possibility of having to deliver a preemptive attack – according to the chief of the Russian Joint Staff, Yuri Baluyevsky. These considerations are probably being accentuated by the fact that Russia can hardly afford a fresh weapons race. However, Brzezinski does not believe in Russia´s capacity to strike!

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The kidnapping of Haiti

With US troops in control of their country, the outlook for the people of Haiti is bleak

by John Pilger
Published: Jan. 28, 2010 – New Statesman

The theft of Haiti has been swift and crude. On 22 January, the United States secured “formal approval” from the United Nations to take over all air and sea ports in Haiti, and to “secure” roads. No Haitian signed the agreement, which has no basis in law. Power rules in a US naval blockade and the arrival of 13,000 marines, special forces, spooks and mercenaries, none with humanitarian relief training.

The airport in the capital, Port-au-Prince, is now a US military base and relief flights have been rerouted to the Dominican Republic. All flights stopped for three hours for the arrival of Hillary Clinton. Critically injured Haitians waited unaided as 800 American residents in Haiti were fed, watered and evacuated. Six days passed before the US air force dropped bottled water to people suffering dehydration.

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While America Drowns, Obama and the Elites Party

by Stanislav Mishin
Published: Jan. 26, 2010 –

There is, yet again, something very Romanesque about the state of the Americans, their empire and their collapse. As the US continues to sink in its co-UK created economic armageddon, the ruling regime enjoys the fruits of its labour of looting and swindling. This is the great “Democracy” they sell us, overseas.

As the year ended, America suffered one of its worst months for employment. Sure, reading the official Ministry of Propaganda (so called free press) reports showed only a mere another 85,000 Americans as loosing jobs, or rather the work force shrinking by that amount, so it takes the UK Telegraph (America slides deeper into depression as Wall Street revels ) to report the real situation, that 650,000 unemployed were moved into a category named “No Longer Searching For Jobs”. This is how the American regimes “honestly” tell the population that the unemployment rate is not going up and the lie they tell the rest of us, fortunate not to live under this deceit. This is the category that DC uses to dump the unwanted, unneeded and unemployable waste, its workers who no longer get government unemployment help and can go starve for all the elites care. After all, judging by the head lines out of DC, for the Haitians there is money, for their own unemployed, shelters and bread lines. This category has been growing by nearly half a million every month for the last year.

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Obama Uses Telepromters at Speech at Elementary School

Read more HERE! (With Video – Jon Stewart)

You Tube Video HERE!

One year since Obama’s inauguration

by Jerry White
Published: Jan. 20, 2010 – WSWS

One year ago today, on January 20, 2009, Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States. The event was greeted with enthusiasm in the US, as well as in Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere. Many millions around the world hoped the long period of political reaction in the US was finally ending. A year later, this wishful thinking has turned into disillusionment, anger and opposition.

Some 2 million people gathered in Washington on Inauguration Day to celebrate the end of the Bush years. From the opening words of his address, however, Obama indicated that he would continue the policies of his Republican predecessor that had been repudiated by the American people.

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For Israel, a Reckoning

by John Pilger
Published: Jan. 15, 2010 –

The farce of the climate change summit in Copenhagen affirmed a world war waged by the rich against most of humanity. It also illuminated a resistance growing perhaps as never before: an internationalism linking justice for the planet earth with universal human rights, and criminal justice for those who invade and dispossess with impunity. And the best news comes from Palestine.

Palestinian resistance to the theft of their country reached a critical moment in 2001 when Israel was identified as an apartheid state at a United Nations conference on racism in Durban, South Africa. To Nelson Mandela, justice for the Palestinians is “the greatest moral issue of our time.” The Palestinian Civil Society Call for Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions (BDS), was issued on 9 July 2005, effectively reconvening the great non-violent movement that swept the world and brought the scaffolding of African apartheid crashing down. “Through decades of occupation and dispossession,” wrote Mustafa Barghouti, a wise voice of Palestinian politics, “90 percent of the Palestinian struggle has been non-violent … A new generation of Palestinian leaders [now speaks] to the world precisely as Martin Luther King did. The same world that rejects all use of Palestinian violence, even clear self-defense, surely ought not begrudge us the non-violence employed by men such as King and Gandhi.”

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Majority Of Americans Would Vote Against Obama

Jan. 14, 2010  – National Journal

A year into his tenure, a majority of Americans would already vote against Pres. Obama if the ’12 elections were held today, according to a new survey.

The Allstate/National Journal Heartland Monitor poll shows 50% say they would probably or definitely vote for someone else. Fully 37% say they would definitely cast a ballot against Obama. Meanwhile, just 39% would vote to re-elect the pres. to a 2nd term, and only 23% say they definitely would do so.

Read more…

UK to follow US intervention in Yemen

Jan. 03, 2010- Press TV

The British premier’s office says that Prime Minister Gordon Brown and US President Barack Obama have agreed to fight what they call terrorism in Yemen and Somalia.

The UK and the US have agreed to fund a counter-terrorism police unit in Yemen to tackle the rising threat from the country.

The British premier’s office says that Prime Minister Gordon Brown and US President Barack Obama have agreed to fight what they call terrorism in Yemen and Somalia.

The UK and the US have agreed to fund a counter-terrorism police unit in Yemen to tackle what they deem the rising threat from the country.

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The international league of war criminals

by Chris Marsden
Published: Dec. 17, 2009 – WSWS

The issuing of a British arrest warrant for former Israeli Foreign Minister and current leader of the opposition Tzipi Livni is only the latest event confirming an international body of legal opinion that Israel should be tried for war crimes over its treatment of the Palestinians.

Livni was a member of the war cabinet during Operation Cast Lead, the offensive against Gaza between December 27, 2008 and January 18 this year. Some 1,400 Palestinians—the majority of them civilians, including 400 women and children—were killed, at least 5,000 people were injured, and 21,000 homes and other vital infrastructure were destroyed.

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The “Obama Doctrine”: Eternal War For Imperfect Mankind

“For make no mistake: Evil does exist in the world.”

by Rick Rozoff
First Published: Dec. 12, 2009 – Stop NATO

President and commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States Barack Obama delivered his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance address in Oslo on December 10, which has immediately led to media discussion of an Obama Doctrine.

With obligatory references to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mohandas Gandhi (the second referred to only by his surname) but to no other American presidents than Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy – fellow peace prize recipients Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Jimmy Carter weren’t mentioned – the U.S. head of state spoke with the self-assurance of the leader of the world’s first uncontested superpower and at times with the self-righteousness of a would-be prophet and clairvoyant. And, in the words of German philosopher Friedrich von Schlegel, a prophet looking backward.

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Afghanistan massacre on eve of Obama’s surge

by Bill Van Auken
Published: Dec. 10, 2009 – WSWS

With the first elements of 30,000 additional US troops set to arrive in Afghanistan next week, the massacre of as many as 15 civilians in a US raid has heightened fears that the Obama administration’s so-called surge will spell a dramatic rise in bloodletting.

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Not Satire: Obama to Invoke Aghanistan in His Nobel Speech

The president plans to speak about war during his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech in Oslo on Thursday. Perfect.

by Daniela Perdomo
First Published: Dec. 09, 2009 –

On the October morning Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, I informed a friend who hadn’t yet heard the news that our greenhorn president was now a Nobel laureate. “I hope it’s not for literature,” he replied.

The Nobel Prize for Literature would have been a stretch, but in just as many ways — or more — so is the Nobel Peace Prize. And the only way I’ve been able to rationalize the honor, two months later, is by swallowing the committee’s explanation that it wasn’t so much commending Obama for peace-making accomplishments as it was trying to encourage him to live up to the prize’s tenets, by being a more considerate, less bellicose friend to the international community than his predecessor.

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Fabian Socialists Gone Wild (With Videos)

by Joe Kress
Published: Mar. 31, 2009 – NewsWithViews

The Fabian Society (founded January 4, 1884), began as a socialist movement in Great Britain. Its purpose is to accomplish a social democracy to transform societies and governments not through revolution but gradually. It is the foundation of the British Labor Party and subsequently it forced the decolonized of the British Empire. The Fabians favored gradual incremental change. The name was taken from the Roman Republic General Fabius Maximus or Quintus Fabius Maximus the “Cunctator.” The meaning of which is “The Delayer.” His, as indeed is the Fabian winning strategy … harassment and war of attrition rather than head on battles against his enemy, Carthage, whose defender was Hannibal Barca.

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The Audacity of Ethnic Cleansing: Obama’s plan for Afghanistan

“Today, we Afghans remain trapped between two enemies: the Taliban on one side and US/NATO forces and their warlord hirelings on the other.” Malalai Joya “A Woman Among the Warlords” Scribner Publishing, New York

by Mike Whitney
Published: Dec. 04, 2009 – Information Clearing House

The Bush administration never had any intention of liberating Afghanistan or establishing democracy. The real aim was to remove the politically-intractable Taliban and replace them with a puppet regime run by a former-CIA asset. The rest of Afghanistan would be parceled-off to the warlords who assisted in the invasion and who had agreed to do much of the United States dirty-work on the ground. In the eight years of military occupation which followed, that basic strategy has never changed. The U.S. is just as committed now as it was at the war’s inception to establish a beachhead in Central Asia to oversee the growth of China, to execute disruptive/covert operations against Russia, to control vital pipeline routes from the Caspian Basin, and to maintain a heavy military presence in the most critical geopolitical area in the world today.

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Obama’s speech on Afghanistan: A compendium of lies

by Alex Lantier
Published; Dec. 03, 2009 – WSWS

In his December 1 speech at West Point announcing the deployment of 30,000 more US troops to Afghanistan, President Barack Obama attempted to justify a major escalation of a deeply unpopular war on the basis of lies and distortions. That he had to resort to such falsifications reflects both the reactionary character of his policy and the fact that it is being imposed in violation of the popular will.

To justify the escalation, Obama recycled the Bush administration’s myths about the “war on terror.” He cynically presented the US as an altruistic power, forced into a global war for democracy by the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

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