America’s “worst enemy”

The Latest Orchestrated Threat and The End of History

by Paul Craig Roberts
Published: Sep. 27, 2011 – Information Clearing House

Have you ever before heard of the Haqqanis? I didn’t think so. Like Al Qaeda, about which no one had ever heard prior to 9/11, the “Haqqani Network” has popped up in time of need to justify America’s next war–Pakistan.

President Obama’s claim that he had Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden exterminated deflated the threat from that long-serving bogyman. A terror organization that left its leader, unarmed and undefended, a sitting duck for assassination no longer seemed formidable. Time for a new, more threatening, bogyman, the pursuit of which will keep the “war on terror” going.

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NATO’s War on Libya is Directed against China: AFRICOM and the Threat to China’s National Energy Security

The Washington-led decision by NATO to bomb Gaddafi’s Libya into submission over recent months, at an estimated cost to US taxpayers of at least $1 billion, has little if anything to do with what the Obama Administration claims was a mission to “protect innocent civilians.” In reality it is part of a larger strategic assault by NATO and by the Pentagon in particular to entirely control China’s economic achilles heel, namely China’s strategic dependence on large volumes of imported crude oil and gas. Today China is the world’s second largest importer of oil after the United States and the gap is rapidly closing.

by F. William Engdahl
Published: Sep. 25, 2011 – Global Research

If we take a careful look at a map of Africa and also look at the African organization of the new Pentagon Africa Command—AFRICOM—the pattern that emerges is a careful strategy of controlling one of China’s most strategically important oil and raw materials sources.

NATO’s Libya campaign was and is all about oil. But not about simply controlling Libyan high-grade crude because the USA is nervous about reliable foreign supplies. It rather is about controlling China’s free access to long-term oil imports from Africa and from the Middle East. In other words, it is about controlling China itself.

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Where Is Activist Post?

Published: Sep. 23, 2011 –

It appears that one of my newest favorite websites, Activist Post ( has been taken down by its host, Activist Post posts original articles and articles from other websites that highlight the news items of what various government agencies and the military are up to, and investigative reporting on the latest injustices, corruption and crimes, that we don’t hear about from cowards government lapdogs gutless weasels mainstream news sources.

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2011 Clinton Global Citizen Awards

Liberal confab sponsored by corporate fascists, big oil, big banks.

by Tony Cartalucci
Published: Sep. 21, 2011 – Land Destroyer Report

The Clinton Global Citizen Awards, held this week in New York City, claims to “recognize extraordinary individuals who have demonstrated visionary leadership in solving pressing global challenges. Through their work, these citizens have proven that diverse sectors of society including philanthropic, public service, corporate, and civic organizations can work together successfully to implement and devise solutions that effect positive, lasting social change.”

In reality, it is yet another elaborate display of self-aggrandizing by the same handful of corporate-financier interests emanating from Wall Street and London, attempting to maintain the legitimacy of their “international order.” Had the Nazis been less overt in their ambitions, and more patient in selling the world their presumed dominion over the planet, it might have looked something like this.

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Resisting the Corporate Theft of Seeds

by Vandana Shiva
Published: Sep. 19, 2011 – The Nation

We are in a food emergency. Speculation and diversion of food to biofuel has contributed to an uncontrolled price rise, adding more to the billion already denied their right to food. Industrial agriculture is pushing species to extinction through the use of toxic chemicals that kill our bees and butterflies, our earthworms and soil organisms that create soil fertility. Plant and animal varieties are disappearing as monocultures displace biodiversity. Industrial, globalized agriculture is responsible for 40 percent of greenhouse gases, which then destabilize agriculture by causing climate chaos, creating new threats to food security.

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Janus – Illuminati God Of Chaos and Deception

Janus Bifrons..who was the two-faced Greco-Roman god?

by Zen Gardner
Published: Sep.17, 2011 – Zen Gardner

The irony is that people not only know their rulers and society overall are two-faced, they expect it. Whether consciously or subconsciously we all know lying and deception are inherent to the matrix that’s been foisted upon us.

Another irony is that even in the definition of Janus there are two very different versions as to whom this mythological character really was.

Who Was Janus?

We see this two-faced image a lot in our lives. Many know it dates back to Greek and Roman mythology. However, there’s much more to this character than meets the eye.

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What is the true cost of the Afghanistan war?

Published: Sep. 14, 2011 –

Britain is spending tens of billions waging the unjustified war in Afghanistan, with horrific costs in the deaths of thousands of Afghan civilians, and of soldiers sent to kill and be killed. This video, narrated by Tony Benn with music by Brian Eno, dramatically conveys the cost of wars which are opposed by most people in Britain. It ends with a call to join the Antiwar Mass Assembly in Trafalgar Square on 8 October:


Tony Blair glorifies his war crimes yet again under the 9/11 brand

The media is at its most slobbering and indulgent when interviewing home-grown war criminal Tony Blair wishing to present himself as a pillar of wisdom and insight.

by Robin Beste
Published: Sep. 13, 2011 – Stop the War Coalition

As the tenth anniversary of 9/11 approached, you could hardly turn a page of a newspaper or watch a TV screen without being confronted by war criminals with the blood of hundreds of thousands on their hands.

From Dick Cheney to Donald Rumsfeld, from Colin Powell to mass murderer-in-chief George W Bush, they all exploited the 9/11 marketing brand for all it was worth to justify some of the worst crimes against humanity in a generation, usually with a convenient book to flog at the same time.

But most prevalent of all — at least in the UK — was Tony Blair, glorifying his warmongering years in office and quick to suggest more countries ripe for foreign intervention — top of his list for future shock and awe being Iran and Syria.

As ever, the media was at its most slobbering and indulgent when interviewing a home-grown war criminal wishing to present himself as a pillar of wisdom and insight.

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Deliberate Impoverishment of the Western World

U.S. poverty totals hit a 50-year high Census Bureau’s grim statistics show recession’s lingering effects, as young adults move back home and 1 million more Americans go without health insurance … In a grim portrait of a nation in economic turmoil, the government reported that the number of people living in poverty last year surged to 46.2 million — the most in at least half a century — as 1 million more Americans went without health insurance and household incomes fell sharply. – Los Angeles Times

Published: Sep. 14, 2011 – The Daily Bell

Dominant Social Theme: These things happen. No reason. Depressions spontaneously occur. They are “market mistakes.”

Free-Market Analysis: We’ve spent considerable time in the past three years (the past decade, actually), analyzing how the powers-that-be have reorganized society, especially American society, in a way that relentlessly reduces prosperity. Figures released yesterday from the US Census provide a startling illustration of just how effective elites have been. (See excerpt above.)

Why would a handful of wealthy central banking families want to impoverish the US and render its citizens penniless? Our conclusion is simple: World government is on the way and the American culture is still resistant to the kind of hyper-regulatory corporatism that is necessary to support this kind of governance.

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Unending “9/11s”: “A Sad Kind of Freedom.”

“You love your country
as the nearest, most precious thing to you.
But one day, for example,
they may endorse it over to America,
and you, too, with your great freedom –
you have the freedom to become an air-base.”
From: “A Sad Kind Of Freedom”, by Nazim Hickmet (1902-1963) courtesy Rick Rozoff, Stop NATO*


by Felicity Arbuthnot
Published: Sep. 11, 2011 – Global Research

It is instructive to look at the plethora of 9/11, tenth anniversary pullouts in newspapers, to note the commemorative programmes, interviews, memories. The heartbreak, broken and lost lives: the ten year old, now twenty, who realized, horror struck, that her father was in the building she watched flaming and falling, on television.

There are spreads of other ten years olds, children unborn when their pregnant mother was widowed, by a terrible atrocity, on a sunlit day, in a city turned dark by smoke and ash. Pregnant survivors, say “experts”, passed their trauma to their children, we learn.

“Share your memories of 9/11 ten years on”, invite newspapers

Photographers have recalled: “the day of horror.”

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911 Experts Speak Out

Are All Of These Architects and Engineers Wrong?


FedEx and Pepsi Are Top Defense Contractors? 5 Corporate Brands Making a Killing on America’s Wars

Learn which “civilian” companies are making big bucks on today’s wars.

by Nick Turse
Published: Sep. 05, 2011 – AlterNet

Chances are, if you’ve ever sent a package overnight, bought a PC or a can of soda, you’ve paid your hard-earned money to a major Pentagon contractor. While large defense corporations that make fighter jets and armored vehicles garner the most attention, tens of thousands of “civilian” companies, from multi-national corporations hawking toothpaste and shampoo to big oil behemoths and even local restaurants scattered across the United States, all supply the Pentagon with the necessities used to carry on day-to-day operations and wage America’s wars. And they’ve made a killing doing it since 9/11.

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The post-9/11 decade of lies

VIDEO – The Legend of 9/11 — 10 Years On

VIDEO – 9/11: The Unidentified Murder Weapons

9/11—Mission Accomplished

9-11: The “New Pearl Harbor” of the Zionist War Plan

The Project for the New American Century

DOCUMENTARY – The New American Century

A New World War for a New World Order

Fifty questions on 9/11

Al Qaeda – The Invented Hydra for the New World Order´s False Flag Operations

DOCUMENTARY – LOOSE CHANGE (final cut – 130 min.)

9/11 and the American Mind

The post-9/11 decade of lies

The myth of 9/11, imbedded inextricably into the fibers of society and culture…

by Larry Chin
Published: Sep. 08, 2011 – Global Research

It has been and will be the same since the day it happened. The same exhausting exercise, whether one, five years, ten or fifty years since 9/11. Another orchestrated orgy of mass propaganda-stoked ignorance and “war on terrorism” hysteria.

The propaganda myth of 9/11, imbedded inextricably into the fibers of society and culture, and into the brain cells of naïve, willfully uninformed people, is back for another sickening “commemoration”.

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Libya and the world we live in

“Why are you attacking us? Why are you killing our children? Why are you destroying our infrastructure?”
Television address by Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi, April 30, 2011

by William Blum
Published: Sep. 01, 2011 –

A few hours later NATO hit a target in Tripoli, killing Gaddafi’s 29-year-old son Saif al-Arab, three of Gaddafi’s grandchildren, all under twelve years of age, and several friends and neighbors.

In his TV address, Gaddafi had appealed to the NATO nations for a cease-fire and negotiations after six weeks of bombings and cruise missile attacks against his country.

Well, let’s see if we can derive some understanding of the complex Libyan turmoil.

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The Legend of 9/11 — 10 Years On

by Anthony Lawson
Published: Sep. 02, 2011 –




VIDEO – 9/11: The Unidentified Murder Weapons

9/11—Mission Accomplished

9-11: The “New Pearl Harbor” of the Zionist War Plan

Fifty questions on 9/11

DOCUMENTARY – LOOSE CHANGE (final cut – 130 min.)

DOCUMENTARY – 9/11 Mysteries – Demolitions (90 min.)

Globalists to Rebuild Libya

Ultimate betrayal by the ultimate traitors

by Tony Cartalucci
Published: Sep. 01, 2011 – Land Destroyer Report

The war is far from over – in fact, Libya’s rebels have yet to actually take Tripoli, with entire sections of the city still being contested. Further more, entire cities, including Sirte, Bani Waled, and Libya’s entire interior still stand completely under the Libyan government’s control and have repelled rebels continuously over the last two weeks even with brutal NATO bombings and the expressed desire to purposefully starve their populations into submission. Despite this, the corporate media has committed to an endless mantra of “the victorious rebels” and are focused, however unrealistically, on quickly “rebuilding Libya.” Not surprisingly, this “rebuilding” will be done according to Wall Street and London’s designs, not those of the Libyan people.

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Dick Cheney, the Ultimate American Terrorist

“Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.” – Dick Cheney

by William Rivers
Published: Aug. 31, 2011 – Truthout

It is axiomatic by now: when someone leaves government service, especially from a high-profile position, they write a book. They all do it, sometimes more than once. Richard Nixon is the main example of one who produced a multi-volume apologia; by the time he went into the ground, he’d penned enough books to fill a wide shelf. Henry Kissinger was similarly prolific, which leads one to wonder about the relationship between criminal activities and the printed page. Nixon was chased from office after a series of crimes that, at the time, had no precedent, and Kissinger is still so infamous that he cannot travel abroad for fear of arrest. Both wrote enough books to take up half the political science section of any local bookstore, perhaps in the vain attempt to explain away the lasting damage their actions did to the republic.

Speaking of damaging the republic, Dick Cheney has a book out. I’m sure you’ve heard about it by now; he laid the groundwork for its release by claiming the contents would cause heads to explode in Washington, causing a lot of people who should know better by now to say, “Ooooh, this should be good.” It isn’t, at all, but I must confess that my head did come very close to launching itself off my shoulders…not because of what’s in the book, but because I have to deal with the rancid reality of a free and un-convicted Dick Cheney appearing in the public eye once again.

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The Toxic Legacy of Agent Orange

by Carol Miller
Published: Aug. 31, 2011 –

On Aug. 10, 1961, the United States began spraying Agent Orange in Vietnam, in a campaign called “Operation Ranch Hand.” The spraying lasted nearly 10 years and resulted in death and dis ability for more than 3 million Vietnamese, including the children and grandchildren of those directly exposed.

In addition this deadly defoliant seriously damaged the environment of Vietnam. An area of 7.5 million acres were sprayed affecting nearly 26,000 villages and hamlets. Large areas still contain hot spots of contamination. (Source: Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/ Dioxin)

What was our government thinking?

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