Postcards From Hell

Pictures of the worst living conditions in the world.


6 Comments on “Postcards From Hell”

  1. Dwight Baker says:

    America what have we become while most had NO IDEA!
    We have allowed the Cannibalistic Predator Beast to roam the planet
    By Dwight Baker
    March 27, 2011

    Out and about in the whole wide world we see our bloody footprints—some cry and cry out for more blood.

    What shall we do we that give a hoot in hell about what might be in store if we do not cure our wicked ways?

    Stand up shout out no more war. Then stand behind those words with our will to defend to the bitter end those with intent that go about to kill all in the way of the corporate giants that run rough shod I call the Cannibalistic Predator Beast

    Why don’t you use those same words get the google tell masters knowing all that we don’t like what in the hell is going on.

    Cannibalistic Predator Beast

    Cannibalistic Predator Beast

    Cannibalistic Predator Beast
    Cannibalistic Predator Beast

  2. Dwight Baker says:

    re-post after much needed edit
    America what have we become while most had NO IDEA!
    We have allowed the Cannibalistic Predator Beast to roam the planet using our checkbook!
    By Dwight Baker
    March 27, 2011

    Out and about in the whole wide world we see our bloody footprints—some cry and others cry out for more blood.

    What shall we do we that give a hoot in hell about what might be in store if we do not cure our wicked ways?

    Stand up shout out no more war. Then stand behind those words with your will to defend to the bitter end and come against —-those with intent that go about to kill all in the way by the corporate giants that run rough shod I call the Cannibalistic Predator Beast

    Why don’t you use those same words get the google tell masters knowing all that we don’t like what in the hell is going on.

    Cannibalistic Predator Beast

    Cannibalistic Predator Beast

    Cannibalistic Predator Beast

    Cannibalistic Predator Beast

  3. Dwight Baker says:

    Take a trip back in time
    By Dwight Baker
    March 27, 2011

    My Grandmother McDonald became a widow she was moved to the little town were I was born, Walters Oklahoma.

    That was long ago—back before there were social teats that one could get one without being deserving.

    So the money crunch each month for Mom and Dad was how much could we give Grandma to eat on, so each couple of weeks Mom would load us up and off we’d go to check on my Grandma.

    Every summer for years Grandma would have a couple or more Grandkids come to stay weeks at a time.

    So, off we would go for fun in the sun with Grandma. But there was a price to pay and those was to eat all you had on your plate or get the worse tongue-lashing that you ever heard.

    Right out of the month of our beloved Grandma Mac would come a tirade of words—that started and ended a little like this—Pick up that fork and eat every bite—don’t you now there are folks out that starving— then out would come a prayer much like this—

    OH GOD bless this kids to know right from wrong— put them in your loving arms and teach them you love them so—let them carry a light into the dark night —-out into the devils hell this evil world system —To show others the way to go —-giving all they have to help one another survive.

  4. Steve says:

    Words are superflous – you can just stare and think of the “human” world which makes this “possible”.

  5. Dwight Baker says:


    In the animal kingdom we Human talk communicate and have creative consciousness. What does staring have to do with that?

  6. Robert Marshall says:

    Most Americans by not knowing the goal for thr Illuminati which has ties with organizations such as The Bilderberg Group ,The Trilateral Commission, The former PNAC and the CFR will never understand genocide is part of their plan for one world government. These organization have stated that one billion people could be controlled but not six billion. The US using deplated uranium in their bombs is helping to work toward that end.To kill five billion people many methods must be used.

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