Afghanistan: Ten Years of Illegal Occupation

Published: Oct. 07, 2011 – Global Research

On October 7, 2001, NATO began its invasion of Afghanistan. Ten years later, as the country descends into even greater chaos, the illegal occupation of Afghanistan continues…




The Project for the New American Century

The Afghan War: “No Blood for Opium”

Al Qaeda – The Invented Hydra for the New World Order´s False Flag Operations

The Geopolitics Behind The Phony US War In Afghanistan

An Imperial Strategy for a New World Order: The Origins of World War III

Who Is Osama Bin Laden?

9/11 – Occult Trauma-Based Mind Control

by Zen Gardner
Published: Sep. 10, 2011 – Zen Gardner

The spiritual supporting pillars of the world’s societal structure were essentially demolished on 9/11…symbolically, alegorically, ritualistically and literally.

Imploded and destroyed. The rest followed.

It was quite a sinister “stroke of genius” and so exemplifies how these dark controllers operate. This is why the wake up to 9/11 Truth is so shocking to people’s systems and they just can’t handle it. It’s overwhelming, which it was designed to be. And so the vast populace rolls over and buries its head back in the sand.

Nicely done, except….

Tell A Big Enough Lie

…and you’ll eventually get exposed. So full of lies are these controllers it’s beyond the grasp of normal sentient beings. And they revel in the power of that. It’s amazing they can be so brash yet hidden in plain sight.

And these entities apparently rarely even know each other or their own ilk’s identities. It’s a hidden, and not so hidden, cult of non-feeling self-appointed elitist power mad psychopaths out to subdue humanity like it’s some kind of a game.

How does that make you feel, that we’re considered “useless eaters”, “goyim”, “parasites”, “human resources”?

Wait till this all sorts out in the end. Our indignation will trump their arrogance any day. But we can’t just go on business as usual either hoping for the cavalry to rescue us, as the religionists would have everyone believe. We cannot allow ourselves and if possible others to stay sedated in a state of acceptance to over the top offenses to humanity that should make our blood boil.

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Unending “9/11s”: “A Sad Kind of Freedom.”

“You love your country
as the nearest, most precious thing to you.
But one day, for example,
they may endorse it over to America,
and you, too, with your great freedom –
you have the freedom to become an air-base.”
From: “A Sad Kind Of Freedom”, by Nazim Hickmet (1902-1963) courtesy Rick Rozoff, Stop NATO*


by Felicity Arbuthnot
Published: Sep. 11, 2011 – Global Research

It is instructive to look at the plethora of 9/11, tenth anniversary pullouts in newspapers, to note the commemorative programmes, interviews, memories. The heartbreak, broken and lost lives: the ten year old, now twenty, who realized, horror struck, that her father was in the building she watched flaming and falling, on television.

There are spreads of other ten years olds, children unborn when their pregnant mother was widowed, by a terrible atrocity, on a sunlit day, in a city turned dark by smoke and ash. Pregnant survivors, say “experts”, passed their trauma to their children, we learn.

“Share your memories of 9/11 ten years on”, invite newspapers

Photographers have recalled: “the day of horror.”

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911 Experts Speak Out

Are All Of These Architects and Engineers Wrong?






The post-9/11 decade of lies

VIDEO – The Legend of 9/11 — 10 Years On

VIDEO – 9/11: The Unidentified Murder Weapons

9/11—Mission Accomplished

9-11: The “New Pearl Harbor” of the Zionist War Plan

The Project for the New American Century

DOCUMENTARY – The New American Century

A New World War for a New World Order

Fifty questions on 9/11

Al Qaeda – The Invented Hydra for the New World Order´s False Flag Operations

DOCUMENTARY – LOOSE CHANGE (final cut – 130 min.)

9/11 and the American Mind

The post-9/11 decade of lies

The myth of 9/11, imbedded inextricably into the fibers of society and culture…

by Larry Chin
Published: Sep. 08, 2011 – Global Research

It has been and will be the same since the day it happened. The same exhausting exercise, whether one, five years, ten or fifty years since 9/11. Another orchestrated orgy of mass propaganda-stoked ignorance and “war on terrorism” hysteria.

The propaganda myth of 9/11, imbedded inextricably into the fibers of society and culture, and into the brain cells of naïve, willfully uninformed people, is back for another sickening “commemoration”.

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The Legend of 9/11 — 10 Years On

by Anthony Lawson
Published: Sep. 02, 2011 –




VIDEO – 9/11: The Unidentified Murder Weapons

9/11—Mission Accomplished

9-11: The “New Pearl Harbor” of the Zionist War Plan

Fifty questions on 9/11

DOCUMENTARY – LOOSE CHANGE (final cut – 130 min.)

DOCUMENTARY – 9/11 Mysteries – Demolitions (90 min.)

9/11 and the American Mind

by Elizabeth Gould and Paul Fitzgerald
Published: Aug. 12, 2011 – Counterpunch

9/11. The number still rings in the mind as if chosen to act as a Pavlovian trigger: Outrage, anger, paranoia, retribution. A shadowy band of religious zealots fly not one, but two commercial airliners into the heart of America’s financial community while others deal a deadly blow to the Pentagon. It was a Hollywood movie, an act of war rivaling Pearl Harbor. Why did it happen? Who would do this to Americans, to America? How could a band of ragged terrorists plotting from a cave in faraway Afghanistan have accomplished such a complex task given the size and pervasiveness of the largest and most expensive military/intelligence apparatus in the history of the world? And even more curiously, why would Islamic radicals give the ideology-driven neoconservative administration of George W. Bush exactly the pretext they needed to launch a bloody invasion and further occupation of the Middle East?

According to the official narrative, 9/11 was an attack on everything American and in so doing changed everything about America. Like Kafkaesque characters who’d suddenly found themselves on the other side of a Cold War “Iron Curtain” mirror, Americans would now have to “watch what they say and watch what they do,” open up to questioning or face jail when prodded by squinty-eyed border guards and forsake any hope of privacy or dignity in a new world of electronic spies and full body scans. Former National Security Advisor, Admiral John Poindexter’s Total Information Awareness program would be enacted and a preexisting “Patriot Act” would be signed into law to clamp down on dissent and real or imagined domestic terrorism.

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A 21-Truth Salute to Activists and the Alternative Media: The Journey From Conspiracy Theory to Conspiracy Fact

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.  Martin Luther King, Strength to Love

Published: Aug. 02, 2011 – Activist Postwith contributions from Zen Gardner

Our media is mired in cynicism, regardless of the label of mainstream or alternative.  Sadly, it is what seems to drive the news.  People flock to the latest disaster, scenario of hopelessness, or individual story that proves things can get so much worse for us . . . personally.  The media preys on our instinct of self-preservation, rather than promote this instinct as an example of what drives us toward self-empowerment.

We’d like to present an overview of issues demonstrating that all is not lost.  Just the opposite, in fact.  The powers-that-be have admitted that they are scrambling for purchase amid humanity’s global awakening. This new knowledge has led to an increasing number of people being exposed to alternative information that questions the official version of events, and the underlying secret mechanisms of control.  

This worldwide wake-up call has led to a great many conspiracy theories becoming conspiracy facts.  The only thing left for these agents of darkness to do now is spin the information that has been uncovered.  Let’s continue to keep in mind that if their overall intentions are as benevolent as they suggest, then why did it require investigation and research to dig them up as though the planet was one big crime scene?

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9/11: The Unidentified Murder Weapons

by Anthony Lawson
Published: Oct. 11, 2010 –  




9/11—Mission Accomplished

Who Is Osama Bin Laden?

9-11: The “New Pearl Harbor” of the Zionist War Plan

September 11 Attacks: The Greatest Fraud of the 21st Century

Fifty questions on 9/11

DOCUMENTARY – LOOSE CHANGE (final cut – 130 min.)

DOCUMENTARY – 9/11 Mysteries – Demolitions (90 min.)

Naming Names: Your Real Government

When dark deeds unfold, point the finger in this direction.

by Tony Cartalucci
Published: Mar. 22, 2011 – Activist Post

This is your real government; they transcend elected administrations, they permeate every political party, and they are responsible for nearly every aspect of the average American and European’s way of life. When the “left” is carrying the torch for two “Neo-Con” wars, starting yet another based on the same lies, peddled by the same media outlets that told of Iraqi WMD’s, the world has no choice, beyond profound cognitive dissonance, but to realize something is wrong.

What’s wrong is a system completely controlled by a corporate-financier oligarchy with financial, media, and industrial empires that span the globe. If we do not change the fact that we are helplessly dependent on these corporations that regulate every aspect of our nation politically, and every aspect of our lives personally, nothing else will ever change.

The following list, however extensive, is by far not all-inclusive. However after these examples, a pattern should become self-evident with the same names and corporations being listed again and again. It should be self-evident to readers of how dangerously pervasive these corporations have become in our daily lives. Finally, it should be self-evident as to how necessary it is to excise these corporations from our lives, our communities, and ultimately our nations, with the utmost expediency.

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9/11—Mission Accomplished

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
— Edmund Burke

by Zed Gardner
Published: Feb. 03, 2011 – Pak Alert Press

Having researched the 9/11 cover-up full-time for several years and done my bit as an activist, I had finally decided to withdraw in utter frustration at my seeming inability to open as many eyes as I would have liked. Following a rather long hiatus, I find myself back in the saddle.

Especially in the face of these ongoing illegal wars that continue to devour lives at a sickening rate, I’ve come to realize that efforts to help expose the truth behind 9/11 must transcend personal considerations. Given that it is 9/11 that lies at the root of this horrific slaughter of innocents in distant lands (now well over a million), I truly believe this is a vitally important, selfless, pursuit that embodies the highest form of patriotism and public service imaginable.

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How the U.S. Invented ‘al Qaeda’! (With Videos)

by Len Hart
Published: Dec. 22, 2011 – The Existentialist Cowboy

Al Qaeda was a U.S. creation, specifically a product of inverted right wing psuedo logic. If ‘al Qaeda’ did not exist, never mind –the shills would invent it and cite it to justify wars abroad, crackdowns on freedom at home! They would bestow upon it a virtual existence via press releases, propaganda and outright lies –deliberate attempts to mislead the American people!

Bin Laden should pay royalties to the U.S. right wing if, indeed, he ever benefited from his new found celebrity, his holographic ‘creation’ by the mass media, his elevation to arch-enemy status! His is falsely characterized as the ‘mega-terrorist’ brain behind a sinister world terrorist organization resembling an octopus with tentacles in every real or fictitious terrorist attack. There had not been anything like it since Bond fought SPECTRE –an evil terrorist organization specializing in terrorism and extortion. In the Bushco rewrite the part of Blofeld is played by Bin Laden.

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9-11: The “New Pearl Harbor” of the Zionist War Plan

Published: Dec. 18, 2002 – BushStole04

As a presidential candidate, George W. Bush’s inner cabal of Zionist war hawks signed a secret Middle East war plan in the summer of 2000 that recognized that America would need to experience a “new Pearl Harbor” if their drastic plans to reshape U.S. defense policy to suit Israel’s agenda were to succeed.

The cabal of war fanatics currently advising the White House secretly planned a “transformation” of defense policy years ago, calling for war against Iraq and huge increases in military spending. A “catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor” was seen as necessary to bring about the desired transformation of the U.S. military.

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Collapsing America

by Linh Dinh
Published: Sep. 11, 2010 – Dissident Voice

All governments lie, kill and misuse public funds, but these calculated habits are amplified manifold during wars. We’re in two now, aiming for a third. Japan, whose land we’re still occupying 65 years after Hiroshima, has just announced sanctions against Iran beyond what the U.N. mandated. South Korea swiftly followed suit. It’s surprising to see these two countries so in sync, until one remembers that they have become American cheerleaders for decades. Rah, rah, bomb Tehran! A murderous chorus is rising, yet again. Countries that aren’t our client states can be counted with two hands, even those missing fingers from an exploding grenade.

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Who Is Osama Bin Laden?

by Michel Chossudovsky
First Published: Sep. 12, 2001 – Global Research

A few hours after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, the Bush administration concluded without supporting evidence, that “Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda organisation were prime suspects”. CIA Director George Tenet stated that bin Laden has the capacity to plan “multiple attacks with little or no warning.” Secretary of State Colin Powell called the attacks “an act of war” and President Bush confirmed in an evening televised address to the Nation that he would “make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them”. Former CIA Director James Woolsey pointed his finger at “state sponsorship,” implying the complicity of one or more foreign governments. In the words of former National Security Adviser, Lawrence Eagleburger, “I think we will show when we get attacked like this, we are terrible in our strength and in our retribution.”

Meanwhile, parroting official statements, the Western media mantra has approved the launching of “punitive actions” directed against civilian targets in the Middle East. In the words of William Saffire writing in the New York Times: “When we reasonably determine our attackers’ bases and camps, we must pulverize them — minimizing but accepting the risk of collateral damage” — and act overtly or covertly to destabilize terror’s national hosts”.

The following text outlines the history of Osama Bin Laden and the links of the Islamic “Jihad” to the formulation of US foreign policy during the Cold War and its aftermath.

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9/11: We Will Never Forget

The Greatest Illusion Ever Performed – 9/11

by Peter Eyre
Published: Sep.10, 2010 – Peter Eyer’s Space

Tomorrow is the anniversary of 9/11 and no doubt there will be mixed emotions amongst the relatives of those that perished. Many of those relatives and many other people around the world are still asking for a fresh investigation as to what actually happened that terrible day. Many experts covering almost every industry from Military – Aviation – Structural Engineers – Fire and Rescue are totally convinced that this was an inside job. Many believe that the US CIA and the Israeli Secret Service (Mossad) were involved.

As a person that has spent more than 50 years associated with both Military and Civilian Aviation I have to say that 9/11 was the biggest “False Flag” con of all time.

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Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 2 The Satanic New World Order

Part 1 – The link to the New World Order

by Peter Eyre
Published: Apr. 07, 2010 – Pal Telegraph

I and many other writers have talked about the New World Order (NWO) but who are they and just how far will they go to achieve their goals? The answer to that question is they will go as far as they need to go to reach their objectives….if that entails killing thousands of people then so be it. The NWO are certainly satanic and they will create any amount of “False Flag” operations to justify a military outcome.

The list is endless……USS Liberty, USS Cole, US Embassy and Hotel in Kenya, failed attack in Somalia, Oklahoma bombing, numerous attempted High Jacking’s (including Detroit), current operations in Yemen, the fictitious Al Qaeda and the top of the list 9/11 which was a total conspiracy….one could also add to this the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and more recently the man made Swine Flu!

Maybe you are shocked to read this as you would probably be also shocked to know that our countries are being taken over by these mad men. The term sovereignty has almost totally disappeared from our dictionary and replaced by this relatively small group of evil and greedy warmongers who seek to control the world and its natural resources.

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Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 1 The link to the New World Order

by Peter Eyre
Published: Apr. 02, 2010 – Pal Telegraph

This heading may appear alarming to some people but is there a hidden master plan? Is it possible that some aspects of this has already started and if so how and who is involved. We hear so many times of the so called “New World Order and the “Illuminati” but does it actually exist? What ever you want to call this elite organisation one can say with some certainty that it does certainly exist. I also find it incredible that this relatively small group can change the course of history and we the millions may have no power to stop it.

So where does this start and who is involved? In my opinion mass depopulation is already well underway with the use of weapons containing uranium components. It all started back in the Balkans and has progressively worked its way via Kuwait – Iraq – Afghanistan – Lebanon – Gaza – Pakistan and soon Yemen and Somalia.

But let’s turn back the clock and see when the aggressive use of “Dirty Weapons” really started. As I said previously the war in Balkans was the initial testing grounds for these weapons but something significant had to happen to allow the New World Order to move forward. Obviously 9/11 kick started a series of events that has now become part of the “New World Orders Master Plan. In my opinion 9/11 was a total conspiracy and a very carefully planned Mossad operation, with of course the full support of certain figures within the US and elsewhere. I will cover this conspiracy in more details later on in the series.

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