A War in the Planning for Four Years

by Michael Ruppert

From The Wilderness Publications,  November 2001

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) at globalresearch.ca   11 November 2001

Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR Put War Plans in a 1997 Book – It is “A Blueprint for World Dictatorship,” Says a Former German Defense and NATO Official Who Warned of Global Domination in 1984, in an Exclusive Interview With FTW


“THE GRAND CHESSBOARD – American Primacy And It’s Geostrategic Imperatives,” Zbigniew Brzezinski, Basic Books, 1997.

These are the very first words in the book, “Ever since the continents started interacting politically, some five hundred years ago, Eurasia has been the center of world power.” – p. xiii. Eurasia is all of the territory east of Germany and Poland, stretching all the way through Russia and China to the Pacific Ocean. It includes the Middle East and most of the Indian subcontinent. The key to controlling Eurasia, says Brzezinski, is controlling the Central Asian Republics. And the key to controlling the Central Asian republics is Uzbekistan. Thus, it comes as no surprise that Uzbekistan was forcefully mentioned by President George W. Bush in his address to a joint session of Congress just days after the attacks of September 11 as the very first place that the U.S. military would be deployed.

As FTW has documented in previous stories, major deployments of U.S. and British forces had taken place before the attacks. And the U.S. Army and the CIA had been active in Uzbekistan for several years. There is now evidence that what the world is witnessing is a cold and calculated war plan – at least four years in the making – and that, from reading Brzezinski’s own words about Pearl Harbor, the World Trade Center attacks were just the trigger needed to set the final conquest in motion.


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The Order of the Skull and Bones: Everything you always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask

By Kris Millegan (Editor, Conspiracy Theory Research List)

1. The Secret Origins of Skull & Bones

The story begins at Yale, where three threads of American social history — espionage, drug smuggling and secret societies — intertwine into one.

Elihu Yale was born near Boston, educated in London, and served with the British East India Company, eventually becoming governor of Fort Saint George, Madras, in 1687. He amassed a great fortune from trade and returned to England in 1699. Yale became known as quite a philanthropist; upon receiving a request from the Collegiate School in Connecticut, he sent a donation and a gift of books. After subsequent bequests, Cotton Mather suggested the school be named Yale College, in 1718.

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The Gods of Money & Their New World Order Project: Endgame Has Begun

Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.
– Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild

by Richard K. Moore |New Dawn Magazine | December 27, 2013

Perhaps the single most important thing to know about power in the world today is that most nations do not have control over their own currencies. Instead privately owned, for-profit central banks – such as the Federal Reserve System in the US – create money out of nothing and then loan it at interest to their respective governments. This is an incredibly profitable scam, but that’s not the worst of it.

Not only do the central banks have the power to create money for free, they also have the power to set interest rates, to decide how much credit is issued, and to decide how much money is put into circulation. With this power central banks can – and do – orchestrate boom and bust cycles, enabling the super-wealthy owners of the banks to profit from investments during the booms, and buy up assets at bargain prices during the busts. And that still isn’t the whole story.

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Fabian Society and their Secret Agenda

From youtube – 22/6/2011

Understanding communism today and it’s far reaching effects on our society through institutions like the Fabian Society, and understanding it’s ultimate aim to destroy Nations, Cultures and Traditions in order to bring about a One World Government.. Known today as the New World Order.

The Fabian Society originated in England in 1884, with the purpose of forming a single, global socialist state. They get their name from the Roman general Fabius, who used carefully planned strategies to slowly wear down his enemies over a long period of time to obtain victory.

“Fabian Socialism” uses incremental change over a long period of time to slowly transform a state as opposed to using violent revolution for change. It is essentially socialism by stealth, a slow march towards a New World Order.

Meet the Men Who Rule the WorId

by Alexander Cockburn
The Nation Magazine, July 2, 2001

Where’s the fashionable rendezvous for the World Secret Government? In the good old days when the Illuminati had a firm grip on things, it was wherever the Bilderbergers decided to pitch their tents. Then Nelson and David Rockefeller horned their way in, and the spotlight moved to the Trilateral Commission. Was there one Secret Government or two? Some said all the big decisions were taken in England, at Ditchley, not so far from the Appeasers’ former haunts at Cliveden and only an hour by Learjet from Davos, which is where jumped-up finance ministers and arriviste tycoons merely pretend they rule the world.

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25 Fast Facts About The Federal Reserve

By Michael Snyder | The Economic Collapse – September 15th, 2013

As we approach the 100 year anniversary of the creation of the Federal Reserve, it is absolutely imperative that we get the American people to understand that the Fed is at the very heart of our economic problems.  It is a system of money that was created by the bankers and that operates for the benefit of the bankers.  The American people like to think that we have a “democratic system”, but there is nothing “democratic” about the Federal Reserve.  Unelected, unaccountable central planners from a private central bank run our financial system and manage our economy.  There is a reason why financial markets respond with a yawn when Barack Obama says something about the economy, but they swing wildly whenever Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke opens his mouth.  The Federal Reserve has far more power over the U.S. economy than anyone else does by a huge margin.  The Fed is the biggest Ponzi scheme in the history of the world, and if the American people truly understood how it really works, they would be screaming for it to be abolished immediately.  The following are 25 fast facts about the Federal Reserve that everyone should know…

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The Enlightened Ones: The Illuminati and the New World Order

The world is governed by far different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.– Benjamin Disraeli, nineteenth century British prime minister, in a speech to Parliament

by Michael Howard – New Dawn Magazine – April 7, 2010

On 1 May 1776, the year of the beginning of the American revolution against British colonial rule, a young university professor, Adam Weishaupt (1748–1830), from Bavaria, founded the Order of Perfectibilists, later to become world famous as the Illuminati or ‘Enlightened Ones’.

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Money Power World Rule

by Stephen Lendman
Published: Dec. 20, 2011 – SteveLendmanBlog

The late Georgetown University historian Carroll Quigley said in his book titled, “Tragedy and Hope:”

“(T)he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.”

By controlling democratic and despotic governments as well as others in between, they’ve moved closer to absolute global control of money, credit and debt to dominate economies, politics, commerce, and imperial adventurism. As a result, they’ve benefitted handsomely at the expense of nations and popular interests.

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Who Really Controls the World?

Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.
– Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States (1856-1924)

by Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran
Published: Dec.14, 2011 – New Dawn Magazine

The advent of the industrial revolution, the invention of a banking system based on usury, and scientific and technological advancements during the past three centuries have had three major consequences. These have made the incredible concentration of wealth in a few hands possible, have led to the construction of increasingly deadly weapons culminating in weapons of mass destruction, and have made it possible to mould the minds of vast populations by application of scientific techniques through the media and control of the educational system.

The wealthiest families on planet earth call the shots in every major upheaval that they cause. Their sphere of activity extends over the entire globe, and even beyond, their ambition and greed for wealth and power knows no bounds, and for them, most of mankind is garbage – “human garbage.” It is also their target to depopulate the globe and maintain a much lower population compared to what we have now.

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The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order

by Richard K Moore
Published: Oct. 18, 2011 – New Dawn Magazine

When the Industrial Revolution began in Britain, in the late 1700s, there was lots of money to be made by investing in factories and mills, by opening up new markets, and by gaining control of sources of raw materials. The folks who had the most money to invest, however, were not so much in Britain but more in Holland. Holland had been the leading Western power in the 1600s, and its bankers were the leading capitalists. In pursuit of profit, Dutch capital flowed to the British stock market, and thus the Dutch funded the rise of Britain, who subsequently eclipsed Holland both economically and geopolitically.

In this way British industrialism came to be dominated by wealthy investors, and capitalism became the dominant economic system. This led to a major social transformation. Britain had been essentially an aristocratic society, dominated by landholding families. As capitalism became dominant economically, capitalists became dominant politically. Tax structures and import-export policies were gradually changed to favour investors over landowners.

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The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events

The Order of the Illuminati is often at the center of debates about the impact of secret societies on human history. Is the Illuminati a myth or does it truly secretly rule the world? As the number of people asking that question has grown, facts about the Order have become diluted with misconceptions and disinformation, making objective research on the subject difficult. This article attempts to shed some factual light on the Order of the Illuminati by reviewing some of the most important documents on the subject.

by Vigilant Citizen
Published: Oct. 15, 2011 – Secret Arcana

The world “Illuminati” is thrown around rather freely to describe the elite group that is secretly running the world. Most have a general idea of the meaning of the term, but are confused about the concepts and the ideas relating to it. Is the Illuminati the same thing as Freemasonry? What are their goals? What are their beliefs? Why do they act in secret? Do they practice occultism? Attempting to objectively research the subject can become an arduous task as most sources end up being either dismissive disinformation pieces that deny (and even ridicule) anything related to the Illuminati or, at the other end of the spectrum, espouse ill-informed fear mongering based on rumors and misconceptions. In both cases, the researcher ends up with the same result: a distorted version of the truth.

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Prepare For Armageddon

Most frightening of everything in this FSB report, however, is the reply Putin gave to Russia’s top generals yesterday when asked what preparations should be made and he answered…. “Prepare for Armageddon.”

We will do it with or without you, US tells Pakistan

by Raja Mujtaba
Published: Oct. 21, 2011 – Veterans Today

Armageddon (commonly known as the battle against the anti-Christ) according to the Bible, is the site of a battle during the end times, variously interpreted as either a literal or symbolic location. The term is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end-of-the-world scenario.

According to some Muslim and Christian interpretations, the Messiah will return to earth and defeat the Antichrist, Satan the Devil, in the battle of Armageddon. According to the Muslim belief, it would be Imam Mehdi who would precede Prophet Jesus who would fight the one eyed beast called Dajjal (Anti Christ).

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Eurasian Project a Threat to New World Order

by Elena Ponomareva
Published: Oct. 09, 2011 – Strategic Culture Foundation

One might be tempted to regard Russian premier V. Putin’s paper “A new integration project for Eurasia: The future in the making”, which saw the light of day in Izvestia on October 3, 2011, as the presidential front-runner’s sketchily laid out program, but upon scrutiny that appears to be only one part of a wider picture. The opinion piece momentarily ignited wide-scale controversy in and outside of Russia and highlighted the ongoing clash of positions on global development…

Regardless of interpretation details, the reaction of the Western media to the integration project unveiled by the Russian premier was uniformly negative and reflected with utmost clarity an a priori hostility towards Russia and any initiatives it floats. Mao Zedong, though, used to say that facing pressure from your enemies is better than being in such a condition that they do not bother to keep you under pressure.

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9/11 – Occult Trauma-Based Mind Control

by Zen Gardner
Published: Sep. 10, 2011 – Zen Gardner

The spiritual supporting pillars of the world’s societal structure were essentially demolished on 9/11…symbolically, alegorically, ritualistically and literally.

Imploded and destroyed. The rest followed.

It was quite a sinister “stroke of genius” and so exemplifies how these dark controllers operate. This is why the wake up to 9/11 Truth is so shocking to people’s systems and they just can’t handle it. It’s overwhelming, which it was designed to be. And so the vast populace rolls over and buries its head back in the sand.

Nicely done, except….

Tell A Big Enough Lie

…and you’ll eventually get exposed. So full of lies are these controllers it’s beyond the grasp of normal sentient beings. And they revel in the power of that. It’s amazing they can be so brash yet hidden in plain sight.

And these entities apparently rarely even know each other or their own ilk’s identities. It’s a hidden, and not so hidden, cult of non-feeling self-appointed elitist power mad psychopaths out to subdue humanity like it’s some kind of a game.

How does that make you feel, that we’re considered “useless eaters”, “goyim”, “parasites”, “human resources”?

Wait till this all sorts out in the end. Our indignation will trump their arrogance any day. But we can’t just go on business as usual either hoping for the cavalry to rescue us, as the religionists would have everyone believe. We cannot allow ourselves and if possible others to stay sedated in a state of acceptance to over the top offenses to humanity that should make our blood boil.

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2011 Clinton Global Citizen Awards

Liberal confab sponsored by corporate fascists, big oil, big banks.

by Tony Cartalucci
Published: Sep. 21, 2011 – Land Destroyer Report

The Clinton Global Citizen Awards, held this week in New York City, claims to “recognize extraordinary individuals who have demonstrated visionary leadership in solving pressing global challenges. Through their work, these citizens have proven that diverse sectors of society including philanthropic, public service, corporate, and civic organizations can work together successfully to implement and devise solutions that effect positive, lasting social change.”

In reality, it is yet another elaborate display of self-aggrandizing by the same handful of corporate-financier interests emanating from Wall Street and London, attempting to maintain the legitimacy of their “international order.” Had the Nazis been less overt in their ambitions, and more patient in selling the world their presumed dominion over the planet, it might have looked something like this.

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Janus – Illuminati God Of Chaos and Deception

Janus Bifrons..who was the two-faced Greco-Roman god?

by Zen Gardner
Published: Sep.17, 2011 – Zen Gardner

The irony is that people not only know their rulers and society overall are two-faced, they expect it. Whether consciously or subconsciously we all know lying and deception are inherent to the matrix that’s been foisted upon us.

Another irony is that even in the definition of Janus there are two very different versions as to whom this mythological character really was.

Who Was Janus?

We see this two-faced image a lot in our lives. Many know it dates back to Greek and Roman mythology. However, there’s much more to this character than meets the eye.

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Big Brother 2.0: 10 New Ways That The Government Will Be Spying On You And Controlling Your Behavior

Published: Aug. 15, 2011 – The American Dream

Are you ready for Big Brother 2.0?  If you think that the hundreds of ways that the government watches, monitors, tracks and controls us now are bad, just wait until you see what is coming.  We live in an age when paranoia is running wild.  As technology continues to develop at an exponential pace, governments all over the globe are going to discover a multitude of new ways to spy on us and control our behavior.  In a world where everyone is a “potential terrorist”, we are told that things like liberty, freedom and privacy are “luxuries” that we can no longer afford.  We are assured that if we just allow the government to watch all of us and investigate all of us that somehow that will keep us all safe.  But it isn’t just the government that is watching us.  Now we are being taught to spy on one another and to report any trace of “suspicious activity” to the government immediately.  The entire civilized world is being transformed into one giant prison grid, and many of the new technologies that are now being introduced are going to make things even worse.

The following are 10 new ways that the government will be spying on you and controlling your behavior….

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A 21-Truth Salute to Activists and the Alternative Media: The Journey From Conspiracy Theory to Conspiracy Fact

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.  Martin Luther King, Strength to Love

Published: Aug. 02, 2011 – Activist Postwith contributions from Zen Gardner

Our media is mired in cynicism, regardless of the label of mainstream or alternative.  Sadly, it is what seems to drive the news.  People flock to the latest disaster, scenario of hopelessness, or individual story that proves things can get so much worse for us . . . personally.  The media preys on our instinct of self-preservation, rather than promote this instinct as an example of what drives us toward self-empowerment.

We’d like to present an overview of issues demonstrating that all is not lost.  Just the opposite, in fact.  The powers-that-be have admitted that they are scrambling for purchase amid humanity’s global awakening. This new knowledge has led to an increasing number of people being exposed to alternative information that questions the official version of events, and the underlying secret mechanisms of control.  

This worldwide wake-up call has led to a great many conspiracy theories becoming conspiracy facts.  The only thing left for these agents of darkness to do now is spin the information that has been uncovered.  Let’s continue to keep in mind that if their overall intentions are as benevolent as they suggest, then why did it require investigation and research to dig them up as though the planet was one big crime scene?

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Documentary – In the Shadow of Hermes by Jüri Lina (2011)

This documentary In the Shadow of Hermes  by Jüri Lina shows how freemasons, international bankers, and communists joined forces in an unholy alliance and through the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917 established in Russia the most brutal and dehumanizing slave society the world has ever seen. Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn in 1974 admonished his countrymen: “Live without lies!” This applies equally to the West. The Truth in our time is in no way self-evident. Most official facts about communism are not true. Solzhenitsyn emphasized: “In our country the lie has become not just a moral category, but a pillar of the state.” The facts have been suppressed both in the East and the West.

The film “In the Shadow of Hermes” is an important documentation of those financial masonic forces that cold-bloodedly worked behind the scenes through communism to profit from the suffering of others. The director, Jüri Lina, stresses that it is his duty to tell the truth about communism and its grey eminences, and not just superficially treat its psychopathic symptoms, while the truth today is not highly valued. History is made every day, but by whom? The answer is given in this film, the aim of which is to unmask the truth, despite the falsifications of history, so meekly reported by the media. To know the real history of communism is the best insurance against ideological impostors. Based on the book “Under the Sign of the Scorpion” by the Estonian dissident Jüri Lina who narrates this documentary in Swedish.



VIDEO – Wall Street, Freemasonry and the Bolshevik Revolution

The Occult Origins Of The American Nation

VIDEO – Antony Sutton: Wall Street & Bolshevik Revolution

FREE BOOK ONLINE – Antony C. Sutton – Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (pdf .)

DOCUMENTARY – History of Freemasonry (2005), by Juri Lina (53 min.)

Who Are The Illuminati?

DOCUMENTARY – RIDDLES IN STONE: Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C.”

VIDEO – The Fabian Society, the Freemasonry and the Beehive

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part II: The Freemason BUS & The House of Rothschild

Pawns in the Game: A Satanic conspiracy to control the world

Bilderberg 2011:”Elitist One World Ltd. – Global Network of Giant Cartells, More Powerful than Any Nation, to Control Mankind´s Necessities of Life and Numbers Through Bloody Wars”

by Anders
Published: Jun. 24, 2011 – Euro-med.dk

The Bilderberg meeetings are held 2-3 days every year – for one reason: to create a corporate world government to enslave mankind. This year, the elitist bankers, their politician and corporate henchmen and a few journalists met at St. Moritz, Switzerland on 9-10 June – all sworn in to keep silent about the matters discussed. However the Bilderberg hunters Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin have reliable moles inside the meeting – so that important points always seep out. This year war was on the program. The elitists want a big an bloody war in the Middle East – just sparing Israel. Syria and Iran are being targeted – but another story is how  NATO can manage such a big war considering all the failures in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya etc.Invasion of Libya and intervention in Syria are reported to be in the planning. Why? Jim Tucker,  said the elite believe the world is over-populated and that war represents a partial solution. “They are unified on their war project,” said Tucker, citing his Trilateralist-Bilderberg source. They think “ they have to limit the population growth, the one way to do it is with our wars. They have been emphasizing that all day.” So, they had invited both NATO´s Secretary-General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Serving US Minister of Defence, Robert Gates. The elitists are concerned about the increasing opposition in the US Congress against endless wars for the elitist dreams – and so the elite is determined to act soon – before the opposition becomes too strong. So, they want US to stay in Iraq. “When you think of Iraq, think big,” one US Bilderberger remarked during the discussion, suggesting that the country will merely be used as a launch pad for a wider regional war that will “include every nation in the Middle East except for Israel.”

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